Looking forward to another trip up to Regina this weekend to watch the Riders. Hopefully a better played game than last weekend. You folks up there always nice, food is good and the beer is cold. Long trip but have to keep the tradition going!!!
Good to have loyal fans from everywhere and hope your trip up here is a happy one. Enjoy your stay and have fun.
You picked a good weekend to attend. Suppose to be sunny and hot. And craven big valley jamboree is on this weekend as we'll, if you like country music. If you don't there is a giant beer garden and tens of thousands people hanging out and partying.
Hope your trip is safe and fun.
Thanks Regina for a good time wish the game was better it seems to me its time to look elsewhere for a running back. Either Toston or Messim. Charles has a little punch not much and Allen more of liability than an asset. Smith and Bagg good WR but lacking at the other spots.
At least you had for the most part decent weather. The crowd was into it but not much action on the field.
I thought the first half was highly entertaining. 2nd half not so much, and not because of the score, that 3rd quarter was nothing but punt after punt after punt.
But the first half was great.