Who are you cheering for and why

Last year I cheered for sask because I figured their loyal fans deserved to finally see their team win, and even better in their own park.

This year I cheer for Ham because I figure their loyal fans who stuck with them during the bad years, deserve to see them win it anywhere.

Is it possible for Cornish to set a positive grey cup record in a losing cause. That would be perfect.


I was born there.


Seen my first football game there at McMahon.

Hamilton - I was born here and now live here again. And even if that was not true and I was not a Ti-Cats fan I would still be cheering for them because I tend to cheer for underdogs once my own team has been eliminated.

Plus I think their accomplishments through two seasons of a very nomadic existence make theirs a great story. Last year having their change room downtown and bussing it from their to the west end for practices at Mac and games a 50 minute drive north up in Guelph, then this season still having the team's locker room at the team's offices in downtown and bussing for the first half of the season to Mac for practice and games and bussing east to THF for practices and games the last half of the season.

They could only use the field at THF for practices - not their change room because the stands/locker room areas only were open on game days under temporary opening permits as construction is still not finished. And they only had the advantage the support of a complete stadium with 24,000 Ti-Cats fans give them for the last two games at THF the only two games all sections of the new stadium were open.

To make it to their second Grey Cup facing all those distractions makes theirs a great story. Would love to see it have a great ending on Sunday.

Calgary. I used to like Hamilton as my second team this season until their fans got annoying. My hatred for Hamilton is greater than my hatred for Calgary.

Stamps, as I have stated before, I was raised in a home where you cheered for teams in the following order:

East when hell freezes over!

What he said :cowboy:

Switching Cal and Edm of course :smiley:

Pot calling the kettle black :roll:

Hamilton because they are the underdogs and I love to see an underdog take it to the favoured team. Also I can't stand seeing the old nag galloping along the sideline dropping a ton of horse shite every time the Stamps score a major. I also want to see Cornish neutralized. Lastly, given all the hype that the West has been so strong compared to the East [and it has] it would be nice to see a major upset.

Need you ask?

Why? My father was born and raised in Hamilton, and my mother's family moved there in her teens. So even though I grew up in Ottawa, I was raised a Ticats fan. Switching to another team would just feel wrong.

As my signature here said for much of this year, "Life-long Ticats fan? Not yet, but I'm working on it."

LMFAO at greenandwhite,you a funny guy :smiley: Gee I hope that you don’t like my team because of me :smiley: did I annoy you that much this season ? :roll: or are you just a little sad cause your Riders played poopy this year :cry: :lol: Just kidding BUDDY
I don’t mind if ya hate us,in fact I could care less,won’t hurt my feelings or change my life :smiley: GO CATS GO !!!:thup: :smiley:

Hamilton. Born here, raised here, live here.

That’s so funny; this is exactly the way I feel about the Riders. They were my second favourite team a number of years ago. A few (not all) Rider fans started getting on my nerves, and now they are the only Western team that I would cheer against in the Grey Cup if Hamilton isn’t playing. This is not because of last year, either; I was cheering for Montreal when the Riders had 13 men on the field.

Okay, if they were playing Toronto, I’d cheer for them, but I wouldn’t be happy about it.


All this talk about "I don't like x because of their fans" is stupid. All teams have good fans, but all teams have idiot fans too, they are typically just the most vocal/memorable ones.

Nah your alright. Its actually a breath of fresh air to have this rivalry.

I cheer Argos first, Ontario next, then east ( only leaves the Als) then Winnipeg, since they were in the East, then everyone else.

Yes, I remember that.

Count me in too.


Because of Kent Austin.


Because of Calgary and Huff not shaking Chris Jones hand after the game. :lol:

being a born and bred Hamiltonian, I've gotta go with the Underdog...

..but I love each and every CFL team dearly. (yes, even the Argos and Riders)


Because its been 15 yrs since we've won it all.