What Can A Fan Do?

I said last year and I will say it again, this team does not respect their fan base. Therefore, I am looking for suggestions to better show our disappointment, without going to the point of ending our season ticket support.

Here are some of my suggestions;

  1. Do not buy any Ticat products (t-shirt, jerseys, hats, etc...)
  2. Do not buy any food or drink (yes, including beer) during the home games.
  3. Show-up one minute before game time (ie. miss the warm-ups and team introduction).
  4. Do not support the 50/50 draw (yes, that hurt the organization trying to raise funds, but it would set a point).
  5. There is an old saying that there is no such thing as bad press, well why not ignore the press (ie. no press).

Please add to my list.

Not supporting the 50/50 draw, and ignoring the press doesn't really matter to the Cats. Why would the team care if you don't read the Spec tomorrow morning? And why take out your frustration on whatever group is selling 50/50?

Boo when they make a bad play, like a dumb penalty or dropped pass, but cheer like hell when they make a good play.

Posts like this are only going to set you up as a target for certain people here, but those of us who have a more reasoned outlook on the matter understand your frustration. I think now that the season is basically over, attendance will begin to decline and this of course will affect all other aspects of how the team generates revenue. The unfortunate thing is that there is so much about this team that is good, better than last season, yet the results are still the same. Personally I think that the team’s problems could be noticeably lessened immediately by starting Chang, but there are other problems behind the scenes that need to be rectified. If the necessary changes can be made, and the good things about this years team can be held onto, then maybe next season Hamilton will again have a team worth being proud of.

Must I remind you that less that five years ago, this organization almost folded? Is that what you really want here, for the Ti-Cats to go bankrupt because of your frustrations? Nobody is happy with the current state of affairs, but giving up is not the right move.

Tell players like JoJuan Armour that the team has “no respect for their fans.” I’m sure he’d have a few choice words for you.


I saw the solidarity last night between the players and the fans close up. It is a credit to the guys, regardless of how they perform on the field.

People on the train ride back can also testify to the stones of the players and staff taking the time to meet and chat with the fans. There is a core of guys that want to be a part of Tigertown for years to come. I am heartened by that.

It is light years ahead of Ron Mexico bird-flipping the fans of Hotlanta. It points to a bright future in Old Civic when we do get this turned around!

Oski Wee Wee,

Fanaticism 101, indeed.

Oski Wee Wee,

It is the small stick and big carrot approach.
From Psychology 414 actually.


Oh, that wasn’t in my Sally Struthers correspondence package. I got tag-team macrame, pure and applied bocce, and inkblot repair. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Oski Wee Wee,

tag-team macrame
I used to really enjoy this but since they put in the helmet laws it just isn't the same.