Tre Ford on 2025 Elks: 'We're going to be a better football team'

In some ways, Tre Ford’s preparation for the 2025 season is just getting started. In one way, though, it’s been on-going, with a two-year-old daughter he’s been trying to keep up with.

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Tre is right the EE are moving in the right direction and will have a much better football team.

I fully expect the EE offense to be a Smashmouth—Horizontal Spread Option Offense, and it is imperative to sign LT Ivey and RG Richards to provide quality blocking for Ford, Leake and Rankin.

Getting bigger with Tre Odoms-Dukes will help with blocking, and a full year with Mathis at SB will also help.


“I think we’re going to be a better football team”.

Well, they can’t be much worse. And no dig intended, as I personally think the Empire will be much better this year!


As a fan - I doubt it. We will be worse than last year if all Hervey signs on the FA list is two guys…


Nah… it’s going to turn around. I’m not saying the esks are going to make a grey cup run this year but I think theyll be much better.

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