Translation Feature

Absolutely. I love to see our french speaking fans posting in the general forums. and no doubt for some of them English to French would be helpful.

The more we include…the better it gets…


Frankly an idea who’s time has come for all Canada should be included


It’s not just Canada though. The internet is Global. The CFL is as well. We have fans from all over the world. TSN keeps the CFL alive. The Saudis keep TSN alive. Really it’s people who speak Arabic that should be complaining the most.


Ça va être malade!


translation is just a matter of your browser config and extensions, not this forum. it can appear in any language you want, and the default is based on your location or locale settings. I read it in both english and french, chrome on linux, and safari on macOS.

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your new browser will have it too. just google how to set it up for your browser.


I dunno. Silk has… what’s the technical term I’m searching for… oh yeah, ‘bugger all’ for options. Even worms disown it.

But if there’s a fix for @PorkyPine’s browser out there, I’m sure that you can find it.

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why do you blame the forum for this?

this is on my iphone:

pick a language and translate. never left the page.

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any upgraded translation features on top of browser extensions are either part of the AI plugin and require the CFL to pay OpenAI, or the translation plugin, of which the CFL is not paying for. The plugin is for international enterprise sites and has features we don’t need. Translation is a basic part of most browsers.

also I have no idea what a silk browser is. is it for worms and moths? oh its the amazon browser. why do you use it? i looked it up and i guess it is based on the chrome platform, so might be able to get the chrome translator to work? idk.

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you can even get your browser to read it to you:

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I don’t blame the forum for this. I thought that might be the case initially, but you told me a long time ago that it wasn’t the forum.

But I don’t have the ability on my phone to translate automatically as I do on a PC and I have never seen the buttons in your screenshot. In any event I was just stating how it works or doesn’t for me in case anyone else has the same issues. Translation isn’t a big issue for me other than it buggers up my phone and PC so I use it sparingly.


honestly, if there were more translation options for our software that i could enable without cost, i would have done so already.


It came pre-loaded on my Fire tablet (screaming good deal), & I’ve been using it for a year & a half. Nobody bothered to tell me I should be unhappy with it.:smiley:

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Well if a tech guru like yourself recommends this I guess I should. Not happy that the app wants my credit card info first, but I see it’s a free download. A pain to set up all my short cuts again but I’ll take your word that it’s worth the hassle of switching. Many thanks for your expertise, I am a little technologically challenged so advise is always appreciated. :+1:


One thing @PorkyPine, if you signed into Google while using Silk you’ll be really happy to know that all of your passwords and most of your shortcuts will still be there once you sign into ‘Google Chrome’.


no idea why you would need your credit card but that may be an amazon account thing. my knowledge of the fire tablet and silk are virtually none.

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Well that’s pretty cool, going to do it later. Thanks people! ( unless of course everything explodes, then I will be hunting you down😉)


Pretty much all of these Android / streaming devices will now ask for a credit card before you can finish setting up your account and get access to all the ‘free stuff’. I’ve set up three Roku sticks and a couple of Smart TV’s recently and always had to provide a credit card number to start the ball rolling. The good news is… your credit card won’t be charged anything until you use one or more of the apps (or channels) that aren’t free.


And explode it did. I used the link above but somehow got redirected into giving my cc info to some scammers who were charging me $48us despite my not authoring any purchases. Luckily CIBC Fraud was all over it, so no cost to me, but my Visa is cancelled until I get a new one next week. I’ll put this one on my shoulders so everyone else can sleep at night. I’ll stick with the copy & paste, this whole attempt at changing browsers was an exercise n frustration.


FYI, I never give my CC info on an app. When I book a trip or concert I contact a rep directly. I just don’t trust the internet.