Top 10 reasons people don't go to Lions games.

Swervin....once again you show you are a class act. I mean your comment number 3 is just plain and simple disrepectful to these women. Maybe you should grow up.

Nobody brought up Cliffor Olsen or Robert Pickton....time to grow up....

Excellent Turkey. I knew you could out-do oilerrocker

Still winless. Guess that’s something he should get used to…

Quit buggin' SwervinRLR.

Road was blocked off by the police and fire departments after the methlab down the streedt blew up.

  1. Cant stop watching the reviting television program of the fire log buring.

Now Mike, Shaw Cable puts that on EVERY WHERE they have subscribers..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey, my family always turns on the log on Christmas morning... provided we're all up early enough. :lol:

We have a REAL Fireplace! No fake logs here! :lol:

That may very well be…but it is the bc fans who stay home to watch it.

Can't pry the arms from around that tree.

Can't get off the throne from all the granola.

not according to my calculations

Debra, you're on fire girl.

We're a good team (like our Lions)

Did you miss me at all? I'm just wondering who's happy to have RLR back on these boards. I'm definitely glad to be here on a Wednesday night before the Western Final.

I did.

It's good to have someone with common sense here.

Now let's start this playoff party.

Well Debra I will try to keep this simple for you so you will be able to read this.
1 I live in Vancouver

2 I like to shovel snow, and most people in Vancouver love it when it snows.

3 I do my best at spelling but due to the lousey skool system in Vancouver this is the results.

4 I am going to the game on Sunday to support the lions but my team will always be the Eskimos.

5 just came back from the Canucks / Oilers game where another Team from Edmonton has beaten a Vancouver team.

  1. Ejnoy teh gmae on Snuady.

Another team from Edmonton?!? Which one would that be. Lions beat eskies both times and canucks have a 5 out of a possible 6 points vs oilers. The oilers have 2 of 6. Which team are you making things up about just so I know exactly what Im laughing at you about.

I think she’s refering to the Oilers shutting out the Canucks last night, just a guess but if I were a betting man I’ld say that was it.

That was hilarious. :lol: Chalk up another point for Oilerrocker.

Remind me again, how many Cups do the Canucks have?