Tim Cheatwood did not spend the early morning hours phoning all of his relatives to tell them how he helped the Hamilton Tiger-Cats shut down Ricky Williams.“Not special,” the Ticats defensive end said when asked about his play on a second-and-two that threw Williams for a one-yard loss last night in a 31-3 pre-season win over the Argos Rogers Centre.
“He’s another football player. Just like everybody else, (he is) trying to make the team. It’s not a big deal to me.”
The cfl needs ricky to be good but not to good bad but not to bad(on the field) - It dont look like argo,s OL will help him much, maybe 1500, yd season., He is a big name RB in NFL,can only show how good CFL is compared to nfl, maybe some media and football fans in T.O will keep buying tickets, after he,s gone back to miami-, Note - no report of preseason game in miami paper, but thiesman HAS set the negative tone and is pushing the cfl stigma on williams- What next from the nfl spin doctors?
heres some american news site/paper:
[url=http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/football/3924165.html]http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/ ... 24165.html[/url]Ricky who?Oh ya that pot head!Enough said! :roll:
Brilliant post. :roll:
that’s the exact same story from TSN’s website.
You should get your facts right before you post, DG. Ticats did not say Ricky was nothing special. Cheatwood said his own play (one particular play) was not special. Big difference. If I didn't know better I'd think you were trying to porvoke something here.
drummer god trolling?? never!