With all this talk about Riders in the Grey Cup etc since Joseph came into the fold, you have to remember, the Riders are cursed.
To prove it, you would only need to dress the entire Edmonton Eskimo roster in Rider uniforms and they'd lose. Year after year after year.
I know it's not fair, but it's just the way it is. The world will simply not turn the other direction. The Riders HAVE to lose to maintain balance in the World Order.
Sure, there have been victories, but those are only bones the World Order of Curses throws their way just to keep the curse alive. Without the Riders, there's no curse. :twisted:
I think he said coking one up,,not cocking..
I don't think he's gay..can't really tell..his spelling throws me off...
May be he's a drug addict....or he's re sealing his bathtub...lol
Some say they see him panhandling on young street...late at night..for nickles..
I say the Ballard curse is on ....Leafs are Doomed.....2067..next Cup...