Swayze Waters released

First of all, no one is calling anybody an idiot. Intelligent people say or do senseless things every day for a variety of reasons.

My original post explains why, in my opinion, the Caretaker’s comment didn’t make any sense. If I take issue with a quote, by extension, my comments will reflect upon the originator of the quote whether or not it was intended.
I don’t think Mr. Young’s psyche is so fragile that we need to try to separate the post from the poster for fear of inadvertently causing hurt feelings.

I’m thinking you and I read this statement differently.

That’s funny.

CFF can barely seem to control his rage sometimes. I thought he’d been doing better this year than in previous years. Of course the regular season hasn’t even started yet.

(No offence.)

You are correct. I misinterpreted your statement and thought it applied to another post… my mistake. I now see your point and agree.

This is going to haunt the Argos.