Stamps in decline

While the guy we got rid of tears up the league with over 5k yards…

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If they cared they should’ve approached the league and PA. Nothing positive or productive is likely to come from their shaming. CGY’s ownership will simply weather the 2-3 days of bad press they get, knowing people eventually forget, and life goes on.
Going to the league/PA might have actually given their concerns some teeth, and a means to follow up on them.

How do you know they did not do both? We don’t know, there is no transparency in this league at all. Didn’t this ownership just buy the team so they could get their rink? Let’s start there.


If you’re theorizing that CSEG somehow bought the team in 2005 (controlling interest since 2012) to leverage a new hockey rink, I’ve never heard that. The new event centre would’ve happened regardless of what’s going on at McMahon.

They are intertwined now though. Doubtful cseg spends any dough on the stamps for the next two-three years while the flames new home is being built and they prepare to occupy it.


Isn’t Alberta the nations wealthiest province$?
Alberta/Calgary could improve their facilities with their coffee fund


You haven’t been reading the tea leaves…or coffee grinds.:grinning:Taxpayers, even in Alberta, are fed up with politicians & have little appetite for spending huge $$ on new stadiums. I have friends there who are still up in arms with Danielle forking over the $$ for the new arena in Calgary.

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Not sure what the point of that is Grover, sure there’s lots of dollars coming in from the stampede, dollars that are already earmarked for other things…AB is a ‘have’ province no doubt that funds its social networks well and pays into equalization…doesn’t mean there’s money lying about…

Open up some pipelines to Texas and get oil back up to $150 a barrel, then there is money to burn…


Well then maybe the Stamps should hold a telethon
Lets see
who has built new Stadiums


That’s probably what it will come to…

There is no reason to think the stamps will improve without making changes at coach, gm, or whatever Huf does.

There is also no reason to think Calgary will get a new stadium. CFL attendance is in decline. The latest cities to build stadiums are lucky they did when they could as inflation has had a huge impact on the construction industry and pricing isn’t coming down. This is just my opinion but I don’t think the cfl will see another new stadium again.

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Don’t worry
P-oil-ievre will build CGY a new Stadium
Oil is his middle name

Well for this to happen Canadians will have to stop believing their carbon toe print is destroying the planet. I’m surprised Albertans have not risen yet to defend their future. Kind people Albertans.

Taxpayers always whine about new stadiums, but they will be sitting there in the new building ,enjoying it. Lol


Absolutely! With a tight salary cap, money has only so much influence. It is kind of like college recruiting in a sense.

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As in ever? Not sure about that.


“Yep, got my $18 beer right here too! You know…”


I’m not sure either. But with a price tag in the 500 million it’s a tough case to make. Attendence is unreliable, the facility sits vacant most of the year and with very high cost of living it’s a political loss. The CFL isn’t growing. I wish it was. But with a league that is flat at best when costs for a stadium have roughly doubled in the past ten years the metrics don’t add up.


Yes tell me about it. The cost of the Rider stadium was huge.
Attendance has been tepid at best the past two seasons West semi final in Regina did not have a full stadium either.
The cfl is in trouble.

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You make several valid points. A new stadium is going to have to be attached to something that is much larger than the stadium itself for sure. THF was built in conjunction with the junior world cup and Ottawa was redone as part of a development project. I agree that a stand alone CFL stadium project will not work. I would also agree that the league is and my beloved Stamps are static at best in terms of growth.