Rule Change_ Rouge

I’d say a non scoring kick out of goal is treated the same as change of posession in goal. It comes out to the 30.

If a kick is plopped into the endzone and a rouge is scored, bring it out to the 40.

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That is reasonable, ball sailed through the end zone, no chance of a return 0 point ball on the 30, a playable ball in bounds of end zone, concede or tackled a single point, ball on the 40…me likey.

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Years ago it was the 35 after a single wasn’t it? I thought that was fine. I’m not sure why that was changed. Maybe the reasoning was to help boost scoring.

From a kickoff that goes directly out of bounds in the goal area, I’m fine with the 25 akin to an interception in the goal area that is not returned out of the goal area.

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It was the 35 for a scrimmage after kicked score (rouge or field goal) and 25 after posession gained in goal (turnover or untouched kickoff out in goal).

A couple years back the league bumped the above up to the 40 and 30 respectively to improve field position and increase scoring just as you guessed

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So we go from a rule which rewards the kicking team with a point for preventing a kick carried out of the endzone to an altered rule that will deny some reward to the kicking team for their success but, at the same time, gives the receiving team an extra 10 yards when the ball is placed for scrimmage, after they have failed to return the ball out of the endzone. Reward for failure still exists with this altered rule but it’s been shifted to the non-kicking team.

I do suggest this change from present rules. Any time a kicked ball is not returned out of the endzone by the defending team, point/points are scored by the kicking team and the other team scrimmages the ball on the 10 or 20 yard line. No way should they be rewarded with any better field position than that. Their offense needs to do their job after their defense couldn’t.

I like that kickers get rewarded for kicking it through the end zone, whether it’s on a punt, field goal attempt, or kick off.

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Slight change of topic: Kickers are so much better now than they were and field goals are so much easier to come by (especially since they moved the starting scrimmage up to the 40-yd line. Gain 20 yards and you’re already in field goal range. Miss a 40-yd field goal and you get a single).
I want to see more touchdowns and fewer field goals (and rouges). That’s the crux of the issue. A half-century ago a touchdown was worth 5 points. Now it’s 6. It needs to be 7. There are far too many attempted field goals. I’m glad that Saskatchewan lost to the Als a couple weeks back. Lauther took 7 field goals. Go for it on third down already!
I don’t care about Ambrosie’s claims that more points are being scored in the league now than in the past. If the majority of the points are coming from field goals, then who cares?

As long as its consistent and as simple as possible I’m all for it

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EXCATLY, getting the ball on the 40 eliminates or reduced exciting kick returns. Turn over in the end zone also reduces exciting int. returns when the ball comes out to the 25

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No point should be given inside 40 yd line

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Anyway, once again, either leave it as is or modify it to being for playable kicks for the entire game. I would miss the potential of a wide kick being kicked back out.

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I think many more now are for such a modification for this very reason.

I think it should be consistent with a punt unless there is some compelling reason that escapes me, to modify that.

Hopefully they will not be in BMO field for long

Their kicker was smiling after he kicked it. He knew he just needed to kick it thru the end zone. I’m sure he wanted to make the FG too, stats and points. The D had to stop them at 50 yard line if you wanted a chance at missed FG and a return. That’s asking a lot.
Kickers have such strong legs. Why I think the rouge is past its due date. Decades back they didn’t seem to kick it as far.
Maybe move post to back of end zone?

No, keep the single point or eventually CFL slowly becomes a second /third rate American football


Agreed. That and most coaches would rather pin a team inside the ten than take the point. Let it remain a football decision when possible and not a rule. If it sails though unplayable then how about a compromise? Ball at 20 or 25 and no point?

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Maybe moving the posts back just 5 yards (or maybe 10) will be enogh to make kicking a bit more of a challenge?

It’s funny I posted this topic on a Rider Fan forum page. Got told to go watch the NFL. And some worse comments.
The Sept 28 game between Riders and Redblacks in first two quarters was 15 to 9. 8 field goals and no touchdowns. Rider kicker finished with 7, Ottawa kicker I think 4. I was a boring game with just field goals (good defense).
Moving the goal post back 20 yards (end zone) would have had a drastic change in the score.
Even the nfl is becoming similar with how good the kickers are.

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Everyone should keep in mind that the huge CFL field makes the game and scoring different from the smaller NFL field. It is almost like chess vs checkers.