Roast (rate) the moderators

I truly appreciate all the mods,
Canada is going thru a terrible time for almost 2 years now and this forum seems to be a lightning rod for different opinions.
The mods are special people and deserve nice things
Without the mods, this Forum would have blown up 18 months ago!


Keep sucking up. :stuck_out_tongue:

I try to be an equal opportunity hater so I’ll do my best not to hate you more than any other moderator. You can count on me.

As far as I’m concerned you put your hooves on one leg at time just like the rest of the evil doers around here disciplineandpunish. :smiley: :+1:

I’m not trolling anybody. I read the board. Truth is important to me when making a claim. When obvious fake news is posted I ask to verify it. I find that HFX posts those a lot. If fake news or claims are OK with you just state it. Then I will stop caring and posting. Although I think you have already stated that fake news is good for discussion. I’ll have to reread. your earlier response.

Edit: Yup just reread your post and you definitely said its OK even good to post fake news on here. So there you have it then

I think well of all but one mod that has been on this site. That mod seems to have left the building. Not talking about Chief. Otherwise, bravo mods.