Rider Welcome

Are the Riders still planning to have a rally at Taylor Field today? Right now it is -20 and feels like -34 with the wind chill. The poor fellas get off the plane and have to stand outside in that? Talk about earning your pay.

Who's going?

-20 won't feel cold to players hoisting the cup - winning makes one ignore all the aches and pains lol.

From BC, Would love to be there!!! BC Fans I know said they didn't watch it or went Santa Parade, Lotus Land

I was there! It was freezing freaking cold. The Grey Cup looks awesome in person. There were so many people there I could not believe it.

They introduced Eric Tillman before Kent Austin and any players which I thought was weak. Otherwise the situation was good.

Oh yeah did I mention that it was FREEZING FREAKING COLD?!

I couldnt get there...:frowning:

Parade tomorrow though, thats for sure

I saw the crowd on tv last night and was totally blown away. What a tremendous showing of support for the team. A picture of the rally even appeared on the front page of the Globe and Mail.

Can you imagine how many would have been there had the weather been half decent?

I think Thryllin kind of gave you an idea when he says FREEZING FREAKING COLD. However that just proves what Rider Fans are made of. We don't need a dome, we don't cancel outdoor events when it is -12, we are true fans and I don't know what more we can do to prove that! Amazing group of guys! Amazing TEAM! AMAZING FANS! We deserved this and it was long awaited thats for d@mn sure!

ooh yeah, i was there too!! It paid off to wait until the gates opened, but it was all worth the cold to see them bring out the cup, and it was even more worth it that i touched the grey cup!!