Report: Elks acquire Gittens Jr. from Argos for Ceresna

Nothing official from either team yet

Hate to see Gittens go, one of the best Canadian receivers in my view through injuries limited him last year. He will be a good target for MBT again

Cerensa will be a welcome addition


As an Argos fan I say: Noooooooo! I mean, unless it’s injured is worse than we know about why would anyone give up any premier Canadian talent? Besides, Gittens Jr. was awesome regardless of his nationality


Les Elks n’avaient pas vraiment besoin d’ajouter de la profondeur chez leurs receveurs, mais l’ajout d’un receveur canadien leur donnera de la flexibilité.

Du côté de Toronto, ça leur donnera des options en cas de départ d’Oakman ou pour minimiser l’offre qu’ils lui feront.


Overall a good trade for both it would appear although I am surprised that Edmonton coughed up their best defensive player of the latest tenure by Jones. Ceresna is a beast.
Given the ratio rules I think there is a good chance it works out for both teams, but I would never trade Ceresna for Gittens straight up without those rules.


Sad to see Gittens go but let’s face it. He did not produce last year. He wasn’t the same guy.

Bringing him to EDM to reunite with MBT is his best possible scenario and it played out perfectly for him and the Elks.

I think the Argos also benefit from Ceresna with a lot of guys leaving the offseason, probably following Mace.

Overall great trade for both teams.


Not to mention both Gittens and MBT are joining their former OC and QB coach Jarious Jackson. I think it will be a good fit. He joins fellow Canadian receivers Mombleau and Cobb.

As for Ceresna - too bad we couldn’t keep him but trade means you give something up to get something else so…thanks to Jake for his years in Edmonton!


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