bomber fans, I have had it up to my balls with this relentless trash we must endure from these two so called fans of their respective teams........they have come into our sacred site and assaulted us with their verbal diarriah of mindless prattle, I encourage all of you to stop responding to these two degenerates until they openly apologize to us all right here today.........
hahahaha..........just spoofing you know I dont get too uptight over this stuff.........I have to admit though, I went trolling and had a couple bites from the Mod Bass..........
....heh went right to the apologies....yeah right...I think you hooked a couple Pigseye....but I don't know about foxy ol' red......which brings me to a question....where has RedandWhite disappeared to....I see reds' still posting but haven't seen his partner for awhile.. 8)
Dam you guys are just plain sneeky you pulled my sweater over my head on that one. I was so angry ya NO! Piggy If the Bomber fans are not fired up even more from my posts then they must be dead! Did I tell you Barin is slow ha ha ha ha :lol:
RedandWhite is off doing all sorts of obscenely humane things for unfortunate people.....his return is anticipated in the coming week.....
...good news... :!: ...I hope he had a successful venture.. :arrow:
okay, okay, maybe he has lost a step…from warp speed to normal space…
...even at just normal speed Milt can still give db's fits...
Actually Rickywhateverhisnamecurrentlyis will be gone for a while.
jm02 sent him to a round room and told him to go sit in a corner..... 
I remember that Piggy stated that some of us pciked on his city hmmmm I believe Yogi dumber then the average bear is a bomber fan! Okay lets see what did he say? Does it bother me absolutely not that is his opinion.