Question about receiver numbers

I read a football magazine from the 80's and I saw that the majority of the WR had numbers in the 70's (Brian Kelly, Joe Poplawski, Waddell Smith). When it was changed to the traditional numbering (from 1 to 49, and 80 to 89), since I haven't seen a CFL WR to wear 70 to 79?

Also, I remember that Saskatchewwan G Roger Aldag also used #44. Also the OL used numbers lesser han 50?

Palmer wears 77 for the Argos!!!

Eligible receivers 0-39 & 70-99

Ineligible receivers 40-69

Thanks roughy.
I never knew that.

I think Brett Ralph wears 77 with Calgary... but it could be 11. These numbers are so ugly...

i thought the 40 #'s were eligible, or is that just the NFL?

that was right from the CFL rule book

bret ralph is #11