.......it is clear a few of our northern cousins, and one displaced one here in our fair city, cannot abide with comments coming from stamps fans, no matter whether the comments are derserved, intelligent or warranted......so in the interest of forum peace, please refrain from posting any annoying or irritating stuff in the EE forum.......let their comments speak for themselves......
i hate you!!!!
.........oh, this is splendid.........
Heck of a afternoon R/W
I actually had a fairly good time. I like how despite your fantastic self control, he still managed to get you involved. It doesn’t matter.. I know the 3 of us had some fun.
Stamp 78
Welcome to the twisted world of Doomduck! The master of denial and switch backs. I tried to hlep the poor fellow yesterday and I thought I did very good he lost some of that anger and I noticed he did not mention smalll once in the posts he had with you fellows. Just maybe he has turned! Naaaaaah!
Good Bye weirdo I believe you are in breach of the code of this site! I do however forgive you for your weakness. I do not believe any one has called you team any names why is that just maybe Stamp fans have class now show yours.
You are correct! To win is not to cheat!
.......weirdo, with the power invested in me, I declare you persona non grata........
and what did the stamps do again? hmm…
........only finsihed second in the west........thanks for the playoff money.....congrats on winning the cup........
…only finsihed second in the west…thanks for the playoff money…congrats on winning the cup…
Yes I do believe 2nd is before 3rd
.....what's the point with 152?.....like there's 151 other bigdumbjerkwhohatesyou guys out there?........
…what’s the point with 152?..like there’s 151 other bigdumbjerkwhohatesyou guys out there?..
Have to ask jm02…Sounds like another one of her students that dropped out of her class.
......too true sporty......she was checking her class list for this one......
.....don't you DARE pass this moron off on me.....even the people who don't pass my class at least know that they don't have to spill the same garbage line over and over and over.....
.....and understand what sarcasm means when it applies to goats......