No of course not but there are automatic translators that can handle this software. Besides when you exclude Quebec because the language is predominately French Canadian your excluding a sizable portion of the CFL fanbase. If you could include the Francais forum and the English forum in one fanbase it would expand the number of fans of CFL football. I don’t know why the Admins here have not looked into this. If they have they should at least tell us.
I do not post onto a French language thread . If I did I would post in English then do the translation below
This thread has been hijacked enough and we all know topics involving official.langusges get heated rather fast
Yup too much has been made already .
But again common courtesy is to post both languages if you know most reading are not fluent in the language of your choice. I person to translate instead of all others watching the thread
Again not a hill to die on and hope not to start a war here thread has already been hijacked to no apparent end or greater good of the site
Bonjour à tous,
Je ne voulais surtout pas initier de polémique sur votre forum. J’y écris à l’occasion depuis plus de 10 ans, aussi je croyais que mes motivations étaient connues.
Je pense que personne n’est obligé de lire les propos de qui que ce soit, peu importe la langue dans lesquels ils sont écrits. Et je ne crois pas qu’un traducteur soit requis puisqu’il y a nombre d’applications qui sont disponibles pour le faire si quelqu’un désire avoir une traduction. C’est le respect de la liberté de chacun, en fait, le respect de chacun.
Pour ma part, il n’est pas nécessaire de traduire quoi que ce soit. Ce que je ne suis pas certain de comprendre, je le fais traiter par les traducteurs et il n’arrive pratiquement jamais que je ne saisis pas le propos.
Comme vous, je suis un passionné de football canadien et apprécie échanger avec d’autres qui partagent cette passion. Votre forum comporte des regards avisés sur ce sport et ça le rend intéressant à fréquenter.
Vous n’avez rien fait de mal sur ce forum et je suis content que vous ayez posté. Franchement, je serais probablement mieux sur le forum français, mais en vérité, les administrateurs ici pourraient facilement ajouter un traducteur pour ce forum. J’en ai trouvé un ici. Ils pourraient facilement l’ajouter oh ici malgré ce que les autres ici disent. english to french translation french - Search
Here is what he said but in all honesty his views deserve to be heard as much as anyone else. I think they should have an automatic translation program built into the forum. I am a software engineer. They could add this and it would be great for the forum as well.
Hi all
I didn’t want to initiate a controversy on your forum. I have been writing occasionally for more than 10 years, so I thought my motivations were known.
I don’t think anyone is obliged to read anyone’s words, no matter what language they are written in. And I don’t think a translator is required since there are a number of applications that are available to do it if someone wants to have a translation. It is the respect of all readers that we hear from everyone.
Hey LeStaf, post in whatever language you are most comfortable in. I have limited French language skills but it only me a second to translate using Google translate. I appreciate you comments and insight.
In case you are not aware, there is now a translation thread and our admin, @BetweenTheGoalposts is looking into exactly what you suggest. Perhaps he will even pick your brain if he needs to so that a translation feature can be added seamlessly as you suggest (the tech is above my pay grade).
I was disappointed in the derogatory nature of some posts, suggesting people learn another language. For most, that is not an option. I would be pleased if some English-speaking posters would learn ENGLISH! The grammar, spelling, diction, punctuation, etc. in some posts is at, or below, high school, or even middle school. I realize that nobody is auditioning for a career in writing, and we bang away quickly, mostly without proof-reading. But still…
Anyway, I enjoy le staf’s posts. I am several decades removed from the French I learned in school, so “picking through” his posts is a bit of a challenge, but I don’t mind at all, as it is akin to taking a refresher course. Please don’t send me a bill for same, Le Staf. I taught English and public speaking courses, back in the day, so this is my “pet” subject. This is also the reason that I lament the sorry state of our education system which puts little emphasis on English literacy. Some students who immigrated, from places that do not use English as a first language, are appalled at how poorly Canadians speak and write English, even when they were “born and bred” in an English-speaking family and environment. I agree!
Great suggestion! I’ll look into whether we can add a translation feature to the “Discourse” platform this week and see if there’s a solution. In the meantime, as others have kindly pointed out, you can translate posts by right-clicking and selecting “Translate” or by copying and pasting the text into Google Translate.
Thankyou Jon! This troglodyte appreciates the puter update Hope this right menu option was added after Windows ME or i’d feel really foolish.
1% of 1% you say…
Please don’t lie.
Easy solutions: don’t read/reply to his posts (funny that a number of members reply to his posts) or use one of these new-fangled toys like Google Translate or something similar.
Signed: A proud Canadian and an even prouder Québécois, kaliss…
And please tell me, who hijacked the thread to start with ?
I brought up the idea of translation mainly due to LeStaf has a lot of good things to say about the CFL and I already knew French but I don’t spend much time on the Riders site much longer but I do feel the admin needs to automate the translation function. It would bring in a larger number of fans from Quebec which I think is only a good thing for the CFL. Besides if they intend to expand into Quebec and the Maritimes it would be good for that as well.
Unfortunately the CFL does not pay for the level of service required to have a built-in translation service in “Discourse”, the platform that runs this forum, as stated by GGirl;
For more information regarding translation options you can check out this thread; Translation Feature
You’re best bet at this time is going to be highlighting the portion of text you want translated, right-clicking + selecting translate, or copy-pasting it into Google Translate.
It might be wise to play both q.b.’s going down the stretch, a change up could throw opposing defences off, with the run factor, with Harris they just pin the ears back, Patterson can get out and scramble a bit, . It’s getting tight in the west, if the riders don’t pull out a win soon, they could find themselves falling down a few spots soon.
More Patterson please
Riders need more coaches, hire under market money
R U guys kidding? Trevor is EXACTLY what the Riders need against good Ds. He goes through his reads very quickly, gets the ball off quickly, and when the sea opens up, he can see that and take off. Do Ds know that is not likely? Sure. But I will take a guy who is SECOND ALL-TIME in completion percentage. Do you realize how many great QBs that stat transcends? If the Riders want to replace someone, start with Alford. He had great stats to begin the season, but has done zero in the last 3 or 4 games…no, wait, he is minus 7. It wasn’t Harris who fumbled the ball into the endzone.
Don’t ask me. I believe Harris is the correct Quarterback, but the defense is still not where it needs to be and as far as the QB issue goes Dolegala is now out of the league. I still have been trying to recover from that…issue.
Yeah, Dolegala was just not good enough to be retained, even on a practice roster, by anyone.