Patterson is looking very good

Harris is the QB1 and will be the starter as soon as he’s back from injury. Patterson will be the backup. The locker room seems to be run with respect and integrity since Mace took over.

Patterson has played very well, but a lot of that is on the coaching staff who have put together game plans that work for the whole team including a QB starting for the first time in the CFL. Patterson has shown poise following those game plans and winning games.

Do I think the Riders should lock up Patterson long term as a future starter? Yes. But he won’t push Harris out as starter this year unless there are more injuries or the Riders go on a long losing spiral.

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Yes ,he looks like he will grow quickly, once he gets more playing time, he looks like he gets it. Whatever that is they talk about.


Shea is on a sharp upward learning curve. Anyone who believes that he will supplant Harris mid-season doesn’t understand football. The QB is the team leader, period. Unless the QB gets injured, or lays an egg…make that a whole dozen…(see Macbeth) …he stays. Otherwise dissension, team chemistry, etc. goes down the drain. As for Dolegala, this is a Rider forum…why does he keep popping up here? He is a mediocre back-up, who will never start in the CFL unless he replaces an injured starter. He hasn’t played this year, and soiled the sheets when he played, or, at best sleep-walked through his snaps. He has a strong arm, but can’t read D coverages, and has no clue about how to find check-downs. It is OK if you like him, but liking him does not make him a better QB, or a starter. He lost out to Fine, and neither one of those guys are playing…which speaks volumes. It makes him a 3rd string QB, with little, or no, chance of leading a team. Can we now (please) close the book on Dolegala in this forum? He is now a Lion. A Lion bench-warmer! 'NUFF already!


I like Patterson. Believe he is well suited to use the entire field and seems to have good overall vision. In short, fewer shortcomings than others before him. A good choice.

He has improved steadily game by game and can’t help but wonder what his ceiling is.

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Les Roughriders demeurent très compétitifs avec Patterson aux commandes de l’attaque. Pour ma part, je trouve qu’il fait très bien pour un gars qui a vu si peu de jeu avant. Il fait de bonnes lectures, il protège bien le ballon, il a une bonne précision, un bon bras et on voit que les gars sont confiants avec lui. Je pense que c’est un quart qui a du potentiel à développer et ça devrait se confirmer à mesure qu’il aura des départs.

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Sorry to say this
you are posting in a forum where less than one percent of one percent are bilingual.
YOU are bilingual . Be courteously aware of that fact.

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Je vais vous expliquer. Je lis l’anglais, je le parle à l’occasion, mais l’écrire est beaucoup plus difficile. J’écris en français pour être certain que ce que j’écris est bien ce que je veux dire. En écrivant en anglais, non seulement cela me prendrait beaucoup plus de temps, mais il est possible que certaines façons d’écrire ne traduiraient pas mon propos, ou pire, seraient le contraire de ce que je veux dire.

J’écris donc dans la langue officielle qui est la mienne, et absolument sans arrière-pensée, sans intention aucune de provoquer. J’adore le football canadien, tout comme vous en êtes passionné(e) aussi. Je préfère m’en tenir à ce qui nous rassemble qu’à ce qui pourrait inutilement nous diviser.

Si un jour vous venez à Montréal et que j’y suis, il me fera plaisir de vous offrir un bon verre de vin ou deux avec un smoked meat au tailgate. Il n’y a que moi qui apporte du smoked meat au tailgate, alors je ne suis pas difficile à identifier.


Leave the guy who only knows French alone. Perhaps it is you who need to learn the French language. Here is what he said in English. We should be respectful of all Canadians.

Let me explain. I read English, I speak it occasionally, but writing it is much more difficult. I write in French to be sure that what I write is what I want to say. Writing in English, not only would it take me much longer, but it is possible that some ways of writing would not translate my point, or worse, would be the opposite of what I mean.

I therefore write in the official language that is mine, and absolutely without delay

Show some respect for other fellow Canadians…What he said in English is

… with Patterson at the helm of the attack. For my part, I think he does very well for a guy who has seen so little play before. He reads well, he protects the ball well, he has good precision, a good arm and you can see that the guys are confident with him. I think he’s a quarterback who has potential to develop and that should be confirmed as he gets some starts.

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If anyone wants to respond to the French Canadian I would be more than happy to translate to French. I took three years of French in College.

Ok. Tell him that Patterson is much better than Dolegala and Mace and crew made the correct decision in moving on from Dolegala.


Mr. Lestaf, Taleback says

Même si cela me fait mal de dire que ce Patterson est bien meilleur que Dolegala et que Mace et son équipe ont pris la bonne décision en quittant Dolegala.

Mais LeStaf a déjà dit qu’il lisait l’anglais. C’est l’écrire qui le ralentirait.

There is no need to translate English to French for LeStaf to read.

Write in the language that you are comfortable with. Use a translation app to read if needed and wanted. Let’s talk football.

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OMG: Too funny! At least Rider is being very thoughtful and considerate in translating for us.

Post away in French Monsieur LeStaf. It’s fun for this “Maudit Anglais” to try and translate :grinning:.

I already posted his translation on this. I really don’t mind translating for him in the interest off cfl football.

… with Patterson at the helm of the attack. For my part, I think he does very well for a guy who has seen so little play before. He reads well, he protects the ball well, he has good precision, a good arm and you can see that the guys are confident with him. I think he’s a quarterback who has potential to develop and that should be confirmed as he gets some starts.

Instead of having a french and English forum they could make it into one forum that would automatically translate french to english and english to french. It would expand our CFL fanbase and I doubt it would be that difficult to do for the people who run this forum,

Au lieu d’avoir un forum en français et en anglais, ils pourraient en faire un forum qui traduirait automatiquement le français vers l’anglais et l’anglais vers le français. Cela élargirait notre base de fans de la LCF et je doute que ce soit si difficile à faire pour les gens qui dirigent ce forum.

Oh my goodness a valid point.
I do translate his posted to read but really 25 people translating his posts where he could write in french and post the translation below like you just did above in your post as a courtesy.

they could put an automatic language translator in the forum wihtout a lot of issues.

That may not be as easy as we think. At least I don’t know the ease or difficulty.