
How can anybody be expected to win without an offensive coordinator?

Every pro-football team in North America has an one, except us.

Miller has said that he is not the offensive coordinator, but instead it's a collaborative effort.

Why fire an OC, and not replace him? The whole point of firing Berry was to replace him, right?

Instead, we elect to finish the season without giving Durant anybody to work with. Shameful.

Durant has stood as a proud Roughrider despite this sh!tstorm we've gone through.

The least we could do is give him an OC. For us not to do that is offensive.

Cette saison des Roughriders me fait penser à la saison 2007 des Alouettes. Cette année-là, on avait Calvillo, Cahoon, Watkins, Richardson, Cobourne, Peyton, et pourtant, l'équipe n'arrivait à rien. Les Alouettes ont terminé la saison avec un dossier de 8-10, ce qui était une abomination pour le talent qu'il y avait. Dès la fin de la saison, Jim Popp a congédié son entraîneur-chef (Jim Popp) et a travaillé d'arrache-pied pour trouver un nouvel entraîneur et bien l'encadrer. Marc Trestman s'est amené à Montréal, et on voit encore le résultat aujourd'hui.

Il me semble que les Roughriders peuvent faire ce genre de rebond. Certes, l'offensive en arrache terriblement, mais c'est une saison où rien n'a fonctionné. La course, la passe, la ligne offensive, la tertiaire, rien n'a fonctionné comme il faut. Pourtant, il y a du talent et de l'expérience sur cette équipe. Ces joueurs ne sont pas des manchots et l'ont bien montré pendant 4 ans. Il faudra profiter de l'après-saison pour effectivement dénicher un bon coordonateur de l'offensive, et peut-être un entraîneur-chef tout nouveau. L'expérience de Trestman avec les Alouettes a montré qu'il n'est pas nécessaire d'embaucher un entraîneur-chef avec de l'expérience dans la LCF, pourvu qu'il soit entouré de gens compétents qui, eux, ont de l'exépérience dans la LCF.

Également, il faudra remettre certains postes en jeu. Notamment, Cates devrait avoir à gagner son poste de nouveau, mais il devrait également en être de même pour au moins deux joueurs de la ligne offensive, ainsi que pour les receveurs. Je crois qu'on a vu par son absence ce que Rob Bagg apportait à cette équipe et qu'il ne doit pas y avoir de poste tenu pour acquis dans la brigade des receveurs.

Finalement, malgré tout le respect que j'ai pour Ritchie Hall, je ne suis pas certain que le remplacement de Garry Etcheverry ait été une amélioration.

Les Roughriders ont une bonne base sur laquelle tabler, mais il devra y avoir passablement de remises en question et des choix déchirants devront être envisagés.

They fired him likely in large part due to fan protest, and what was also a stagnant O At the time. They likely have not replaced him because they don’t have a qualified, available body, AND and also know that there is a likelyhood that there will be a new HC in the new year, who will want to hire his own OC…so why bring a guy in for 1/2 a season? Also, their first 2 games w/o an OC were huge offensive bursts, so they probably felt pretty cozy…then another win…then a bad loss, but chaulk it up to a lapse…then another bad game…now it is at the point of being so late in the season that they really can’t bring someone in. Perhaps Berry should have been held onto, at least until season’s end…I don’t know, but there is some understandability as to why it sits vacant, even though I am sure they would love to see it filled.

One guy nobody had held to account this year is Rob Dyce - the receivers coach. I think his performance was suspect. How many times were receivers running the wrong patterns resulting in interceptions or unnecessary incompletions? How often did Darian throw the ball out of bounds because no receivers were open? Overall the performance of the receiving corps was suspect this year and I don't think it is because there was not the talent there to get the job done.

how did I forget the winnipeg trio Taman Berry and Dyce?
now the players, Dinwiddie, Goodspeed and lets not forget Aaronn Farooze the allstar that spent all his time here on the Injury reserve list .
is there anyone that i have missed?

:twisted: protect your QB at all costs and put the fear of god in theirs :twisted: and this is what we are not doing :oops:

Miller's too old to be doing HC and OC duties at the same time. So the result is this committee approach that helps no one. Team needs to rebuild, Miller needs to bring in a good HC and then get the frack out of the way, let that guy hire his own people. If Hall is retained, fine -- I still maintain that he has very little to work with in terms of personnel (no stud rush end, no linebackers, no cover DB). If not, maybe look at one of the league's position coaches on defense (Mike Sinclair from Montreal would be a good dark-horse candidate; Mark Nelson in Edmonton did good things with Winnipeg's defense a couple of seasons ago). Whatever happens, Miller has to make it 100% clear that he is not coming back to coach, even if the team goes 0-18 in 2012. No qualified candidate is going to want to take this job without strong assurances from management that he won't be canned in favor of Miller at the first sign of adversity.

If I were Rider upper management, I'd can Taman too, but that probably won't happen.

Can anyone please translate french for me?? Is there anyone in Saskatchewan (outside of Gravelbourg) who speaks french??

Actualy I jest. And get some of the essence of our french friend. Just knowing that there are Rider fans that can speak a second language makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. GREEN IS EVERYWHERE!!

Now seriously! Dyce!! How could I forget him...I met him once. Yes he's part of that dismal Bomber team team that we hired as well.

What were they thinking?? With the emarrassing scandal of Tillman still in the air did they think our team needed to be humiliated more??

The heart of the team has been ripped out. But not the hearts of Rider fans...nor the passion we hyave for our team. May I suggest wise decisions must be made this next year by management or there will be new job postings.
President of Professional football club required
VP of Football Operations (part time position) required by up and copming football club
General Manager of Football club needed-Must have a qualified coach to bring with him

Roughriders this season reminds me of the 2007 season the Alouettes. That year, it was Calvillo, Cahoon, Watkins, Richardson, Cobourne, Peyton, and yet the team get nowhere. The Alouettes finished the season with a 8-10 record, which was anathema to the talent he had. By the end of the season, Jim Popp fired his head coach (Jim Popp) and worked hard to find a new coach and mentor well. Marc Trestman has led to Montreal, and the result can still be seen today.

I think the Roughriders can do this kind of rebound. Of course, the offensive terribly hard, but it is a season when nothing worked. Running, passing, offensive line, the service sector, nothing worked properly. However, there is talent and experience on this team. These players are not penguins and have shown for 4 years. It will take the post-season to actually find a good offensive coordinator, and possibly a new head coach. Experience with the Alouettes Trestman has shown that it is not necessary to hire a head coach with experience in the CFL, provided it is surrounded by competent people who, themselves, have the 'exépérience in the CFL.

Also, it will provide some items involved Notably, Cates should have to take up his post again, but it should also be true for at least two players from the offensive line, as well as recipients. I think we saw that in its absence Rob Bagg brought to this team and it should not be assumed the post in the brigade recipients.

Finally, with all due respect I have for Ritchie Hall, I’m not sure that replacing Gary Etcheverry was an improvement.

The Roughriders have a good basis on which table, but there must be a fair amount of questioning and difficult choices must be considered. Translated by google translate, not sure how accurate, but I have little to no grasp on that language.

I don’t get what happened this year either, we have some great talent, just didn’t gel well maybe? Our O-line coming into the season looked good I thought, but they have been bad, even on a good day! We need to sign some players. Need a new RB, DE X 1-2, OL X 3-4, DB I think maybe one player, need to resign a couple players, Freeman is a most, and we need one more stud LB I don’t think Simpson has much left.

Bagg coming back, hopefully healthy will likely mean we can trade away one receiver for something this offseason. Milo is looking better and better, and he is the future of our kicking game, sorry Congi and Johnson. We just need to work on his kickoffs, but I think that will come!

I agree with LeStaf and roughride.

I think that it all starts with a good GM (sorry Taman) and hopefully he gets a quality head coach. I prefer not a recycled CFL head coach but at least going that way you know what you are getting. Remember TO's last HC (mental lock, starts with an A .. Adrius?) was from USA with no CFL experience, and he sucked. So finding quality is the key, inside or outside the league. There are a few DC and OC out there that maybe quite good.

Once we have the quality in upper management, the rest will take care of itself.

Bart Andrus is the name you're looking for.

Montreal hired a coach from the US with no CFL experience and it seems to have worked out alright for them. Of course, instead of coming in and insisting that "football is football", he put in the effort to learn the game and had quality experienced guys for assistants.

It can work, but you need to be really sure that the guy you hire isn't just going to assume he can treat it like the NFL. Also, Durant was a lot better when he had a good QB coach.

Trestman was insulated by the organization through his assistants. Tim Burke was a CFL veteran, Milanovich had been QB coach for the Als the year before, and Scott Squires had extensive experience at special teams. That level of insulation played a significant role in Trestman’s success, though it was not without its bumps and bruises, particularly in 2008.

Andrus, besides being too stubborn to admit that he needed to learn the Canadian game – what CFL coach hires a position coach just for tight ends, anyway? – had no one to lean on. He was OC as well as HC, and his defensive coordinator Kuharnek was IIRC new to the league. He also inherited a far worse team than Trestman did in Montreal.

In sum, I agree that hiring a US coach with no prior CFL experience is not, in and of itself, a recipe for disaster. It’s how you make the hire, as well as the talent around him, both coaches and players, that make the difference.