Non Elks CFL Talk 2024

Just what it says - a place to say what you want about other teams that you can’t (or don’t want to) say elsewhere…


I really think the Riders offensive problems have caught up with them the last couple weeks.

Last night they got nearly half their offensive yardage in two drives at the start of the game and had one visit to the red zone. Topping that, after their one turnover they had an offensive sequence where they gained 0 yards.

They had 100 yards rushing but Hickson only really gained yards going around the end. And RB’s don’t last long doing that…


also some fan frustration with the coach’s clock management.

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I have always said that in my season prep if I was a coach - I would have coaches come up with a bunch of clock management scenarios. And work through them figuring out the best way to manage the clock, when leading, when trailing.
Dwight D Eisenhower once said “plans are useless, but planning is invaluable”. In this place you start watching the clock and figuring out how many possessions whether to use clock or save it, and how to have possesion in the last 2 minutes.

No question the best I have ever seen is Andy Reid. I can follow the second half of any game he coaches and watch him work the clock to take the clock management ability of his opponent’s away, so his team can score a walkoff whatever to win the game if its close. I am sure his notes on the play sheet are all about clock management.


I was skeptical when everyone was raving about Marc Mueller being hired by Ssk. To my mind he hasn’t proven much in this league, and he had playcalling duties taken away from him midseason in Calgary last year. Not exactly encouraging. He’s an improvement on Kelly “zero CFL experience” Jeffries but that’s not saying much.


Alright I’ve heard enough. Could you please schedule a meeting with Larry Thompson to discuss all these insights?


Well, to me there is one number that defines the Riders problems winning lately.
Last week vs. MTL - 2 visits to the red zone
This week vs. TO. - 1 visit to the end zone.

So when they are not getting turnovers with good field position, they have a drive stall and either punt or kick a 40 some yard field goal.

If you are going to win in the CFL, you gotta put up the big crooked numbers and not leave it on your kickers foot to win games with 40+ yard field goals.


Winnipeg almost pooped the bed last night against the Ti-Cats on the same front as did the Riders against those Argos.

You can’t let an inferior team hang around all game because you can’t score your major and have to settle for a field goal, a lame single, or nothing.

The Riders should be ashamed of themselves, and those Bombers, though happy today, should not be gloating about that one.

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Yup - squeaking out a last minute win over 2-9 Hamilton is not something I would be celebrating.


You could say the same again this week…

What makes me laugh is that Winnipeg fans are all “oh yeah - tied for first place, we are going to win the west”.

I wouldn’t be so confident yet. Teams rarely win both half’s of a back to back and the Riders will be well motivated this coming week.

Then the back to back with the Elks - who can present a host of problems in a back to back. MBT then Ford? or Ford then MBT? Winnipeg fans think their D is mighty but I dont buy that. They are good. But they have to be outstanding for Winnipeg to win. And one by one - those older experienced players are getting injured.
And Zach? Absolutely no question in my mind he suffered a concussion in Hamilton the second time he was sacked. Every time his bean gets rattled, he starts throwing interceptions.

I just worry that I will be watching a Tua replay one of these days because they keep playing him when he’s not good.


Looks like Saskatchewan lost their mojo, same as Calgary…

Well…we are down to it…Winnipeg…

TBH - I think we can take them. There is no Drew Brown to save their ass this season. And yes - he is as good as he looked in Winnipeg - they just wanted to spend cap elsewhere so he is in Ottawa.

Olivera is the key. Shut him down or at least limit him in both the run and pass game and we should be good. I really think our secondary matches up well. As long as we don’t get poor calls like yesterday (we should have challenged that PI) I think we have the secondary to shut down the pass game - or limit it.

With more than a dozen interceptions in the last 4 games - I think we can make the turnovers to make a difference.


Turnovers can always make a difference Squishy. Hot out of the oven with a scoop of ice cream… :melting_face:


What’s the difference between a turnover and a strudel?


About 200 calories.


With or without the ice cream?


It’s ALL bad for your waistline… but who can resist this stuff? WHO?!


Not me, that’s for sure.



Hand over the Strudel…


Really good interview with Michael Reilly. I wonder if he will ever come back to the CFL in a coaching capacity.


Interesting thought…at the least. I would prefer coaching experience but QB’s tend to make good coaches…

One thing I won’t be surprised with is JJ getting canned. I think that’s almost a for sure, unless the Elks win the cup…