:als_red: Non-Alouettes CFL Talk


Un article du 2/09 dans 3DownNation, quel bel exemple pour les jeunes, en particulier et l’ensemble de la société, dans ses temps où la violence est omniprésente, un athlète professionnel de la CFL qui offre d’acheter une bière à un partisan qui s’est battu dans les estrades lors d’une partie.
Avant d’écrire des messages sur les médias, un peu de réflexion sur leur impact et ce que les gens vont retenir comme message.
J’espère que le commissaire prendra des mesures contre ce joueur et que le club prendra également des mesures contre ceux qui se sont battus dans les estrades.
Les gens vont voir du football sur le terrain et non de la boxe et de la violence dans les estrades.

Perfect weekend for the Als with Toronto and Ottawa going down.


Hamilton just won a game with maligned BLM at the helm, forcing Milanovich to eat his words about moving on from him. Bo has handled himself like a pro and I applaud him for it.


I am a little surprised that the REDBLACKS have released their number 1 RB Ryquell Armstead. Probably that he was taking too many penalties and was often in arguments with players from other teams. He was a good player.

They signed RB Morrow formerly of Saskatchewan.



Yes, I think it was a discipline problem. He took two major penalties a couple of games ago and was thrown out of the game before half time. Penalized and pushing and fighting in the BC game.
I’m sure another team will sign him and try to tame him. At least they have signed an RB with some CFL experience.

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I have been impressed by RB Ryquell Armstead, was quite surprised to see him released. But I guess he was just too high maintenance.

I doubt Jamal Morrow will be as good.

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I loved seeing Bo get his flowers here after the game. He’s also a great interview: funny, articulate, gets some crunch in there when he can.

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After what Milanovich said about him, he could have easily made him look like a bum and there isn’t much his HC could have said about it. Classy guy.


Can I just say how happy I am to see that Edmonton is, after years of toil, no longer the free space on the bingo card for other teams? That is good for the whole league.

I wonder what happens to Jarious Jackson at the end of the season, but I suppose it will depend on how the rest of the season plays out. Can he Bob Dyce his way from interim to permanent HC?


Big win by the RBs…they are relentless.


Gotta love the sexual harasser getting spanked today by Ottawa. Looks good on him and that whole embarrassment of an Argo franchise.

Voici la charte des Lions du 6/09 pour leur partie contre les Alouettes.
Une des forces des Lions, c’est la qualité de leurs joueurs canadiens. À chaque partie, un club d’avoir un minimum de 7 canadiens débutants parmi les 24 joueurs à l’offensive et à la défensive. Hier, dans leur victoire contre les Alouettes il y avait 9 joueurs canadiens débutants:
3 joueurs de ligne offensive
2 ailiers offensifs
1 qa
1 ad
1 se
1 maraudeur

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Un texte du 8/09 dans 3DownNation mentionnant des commentaires de Adarius Pickett de Ottawa suite à la victoire contre de Ottawa vs Toronto 41-27, le 7/09.

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Pickett semble avoir bien des problèmes avec ses coachs. C’était Thorpe, là c’est Dinwiddie. En bout de ligne, il fait sans doute partie du problème.


He’s a passionate guy. That’s how he rolls. And it hasn’t stopped him from playing at a very high level regardless of where he’s been.


I think he has showed some savy and made some smart moves in who he has played and who he has sat.
The continued commitment to the run game will start to play dividends from here on to the end of the season. Milt was all “how can they keep so many American RB’s” Answer - no FB on the depth chart, and 20 maple leafs, including Dublanko who finished the Calgary game at MLB after Morgan came off looking banged up.
He very well could work his way to HC, but I would like if he had an OC so hes not doing two jobs. Playcalling is still OK, just not full on OC.


Guys like Adarius who make the team better no matter where they play can talk… Looks like he will pickup his third all star nomination in a row with a different team. I can’t remember anyone accomplishing this.



Un article du 10/09 dans 3DownNation, sur la partie Ottawa vs Hamilton du samedi 14 septembre.

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Un article du 14/09 de 3DownNation, sur un joueur de l’université UBC qui attire l’attention d’un club de la NFL.
Au repêchage 2024, un joueur de ligne offensive de UBC a été choisi au choix # 126 en 4 ronde par Détroit Giovanni Manu et un autre a été signé comme agent libre Theo Benedet par Chicago et il est sur leur équipe de pratique.

L’entraîneur-chef de UBC est Blake Nill, ancien joueur de ligne offensive (6´6 275 livres) qui avait été repêché par les Concordes de Montréal choix # 19 en 3 ronde 1983.
Il avait été repêché comme plaqueur défensif et fut converti en bloqueur offensif en sa première année. Il a joué 44 parties à Montréal - Concordes 1983-1984-1985 et Alouettes 1986.

A.C. Leonard back with Edmonton.

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