New Stadium in Toronto

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Can’t wait for the calls for the Argos to move there, or a second Toronto team, or the cries of the imminent arrival of an NFL team etc etc


Yup and hopefully should people read the article it means the exact opposite.

There would even be less of a need for an NFL caliber stadium for concerts etc… once this opens.

Is there any that doesn’t have Rogers name on it lol


99% sure they own the land.
Edward Rogers owns a ton of land around the GTA.

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Not 100% sure, but I think we all own it. I believe it’s federal land. Former Downsview RCAF base.

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And Dehavilland/Bombardier plant.

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Appears it’s owned by Northcrest Developments.

Seems to be lots of room for an NFL stadium. :eyes:


So basically it will be a fenced in grass area that can hold 50k. Got it. :+1:t2:


It’s a temporary stadium…

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The words NFL, imminent, and Toronto don’t belong in the same sentence.


Maybe this can be home to the recently suggested “travel team” lol :laughing:

Just hope they haven’t already signed a lease with Home Depot :crossed_fingers:t3:


It’s a temporary stadium for concerts. There will be no sports played there at all. Does no one bother to look up details before they have opinions on things?


It’s private land now.

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Not sure they should be referring to it as a “stadium” if it’s only for music.

Like Woodstock

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With porta potties as far as the eye can see along with a few beer tents and also some souvenir booths and popup concession stands selling overpriced hot dogs and popcorn.

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Opening sentence is MUSIC VENUE.
how anyone gets any sporting events into that press release is why society is in deep trouble for extinction :mammoth:


So much for that mythical NFL stadium

There’s 370 acres at that site and this is a temp stadium…

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It’s a concert venue in the shape of a bowl and it’s temporary. Former federal land and turned over to the city.
I remember getting a tour of the Canadian Forces Supply Depot when it was there, it was huge, one of the biggest buildings in it’s day. I think they are turning it into movie studios.
The concert venue stays until they have sold enough condos/commercial to start building them.