Lonie's role with franchise must get smaller

[url=http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/sports/story.html?id=70bb191d-0015-4545-b510-68e1e393d3ea]http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/new ... e1e393d3ea[/url]
TORONTO - CFL power brokers concluded yesterday that Lonie Glieberman must be removed as the face of the Ottawa Renegades.

For the past week, majority owner Bernie Glieberman has been contemplating an organizational restructuring that would diminish his son’s presence and power. Under the scenario being discussed at the highest levels, team president Lonie Glieberman, who has not returned messages for two days, would be handed lower-profile marketing responsibilities if he accepted the demotion.

CFL commissioner Tom Wright, who has gagged other teams from discussing the Renegades’ situation publicly, said he had recently spoken with Bernie Glieberman and minority owner Bill Smith and that the league was “close to putting some resources and help together for them.”

The Renegades were not represented at the presidents’ council meeting yesterday, as the younger Glieberman remained in northern Michigan, tending to his family’s ski resort. Wright said he was “disappointed” that Glieberman was unable to discuss best practices with the other teams.

Since last fall, Wright has been pressured by other clubs to intervene with the Renegades. At one point, teams were wondering if Wright could engineer a sale from Bernie Glieberman to Smith as a way to remove the younger Glieberman.

More recently, Phil Kershaw and John Lisowski, two part-time consultants with the Renegades, met with Bernie Glieberman and suggested he put a “football face” on the organization by hiring B.C. Lions director of player personnel Bob O’Billovich. Two days ago, the Lions issued a statement saying O’Billovich would remain with the organization.

YESSSSSS ! Goodbye Lonie, now you can make an imaginary football team with snowmen on your ski slope. Just think, you'll be able to coach them too. :lol:

Lonie just doesn't seem to have the maturity to get the job done. This would be a good move for the Gades.

L been sent to his room by his daddy! that's embassrsing! :lol:

I'm glad Bernie's finally waking up and realizing that just because Lonie is his son doesn't mean that he inherited his business sense.

Lonie's biggest failing is he doesn't know how to run a business. Bernie's biggest failing is he has been too loyal to his son.

Glad that the league is stepping in and helping them put something together. I just hope it's not too late.

I don't think its too late in terms of changing our fortune's during the reg season, but it is close. If this was during the season, it would kill the team right then and there. One thing though, we've lost a few good players because of Lonie's incompetency and didn't get anything in return.

Ok then, enough is enough. This is probably the only time I will do this but I will:

Media in Ottawa or anywhere for that matter, what do we need to do to help this situation out in Ottawa and get rid of this Lonie character? Any advice is welcome here.

Earl (I know you've done this already) and everyone else: Get the word out. Put public pressure on the Renegades to fix this situation. Business (and football) exists to serve the people, and any businessman who sees that the people are unhappy with his product will be forced into making a change. Keep up the public pressure, and things will change. The worst thing you can do is nothing at all.