Logging On Problem

Here is my problem.

Logging on for the first time at this new forum, I enter my forum name and my password. Up pops a window that says “incorrect username or password”. I then re-enter my forum name and password and click on the “with email” icon, and receive a message directing me to go to my email and get a link to logon. I click on the link and am taken to a page that logs me on to the forum. All good, until I log out and try to log on to the site again. I CANNOT log on to the site UNLESS I go through the email process to log on all over again. This is just not right. Am I doing something wrong Help pls!

Hey @mythirdname; once you've logged in, go to https://forums.cfl.ca/u/mythirdname/preferences/account and click the button Send Password Reset Email. That'll send you an e-mail with a link that lets you change your password which you can then use going forward (skipping the e-mail process).

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Thank You!

Sully’s advice is spot on. Here is a bit more that should help if, like me and many, you use multiple devices or travel. Set it now and forget it (not the password though).

Did you try changing your password? Maybe you had yours for 10 years like me! Anyway, do that and you ought not have problems when you do the following as did I.

Sign in after your password change from your home WiFi on all devices.

Then you will be recognized instantly by device wherever you may roam but for VPNs or, if you dare use the private, more highly secure WiFi at work (many a boss won’t be happy on that front, but some don’t care).