It was mentioned in the Star. Thoughts?
He fits their age requirements...
dont need him, dont want him.
Makes sense and good luck to him. About the time he was cut from the Esks I wondered if the Argos could use his services.
That would be great, tough road for the former "future" of the Ticats.
Ok why are we saying this.
They dont need him they have Wynn and Crouch, not to mention allen still has a good 2 years left in him!
Ah, that glorious week when it was “his team” and he was the new future ahead of that old future which was Brady and just slightly before the new-new future which was Eakin.
Allen is injured.
Wynn is the (temporary) guy, as he proved last weekend.
The Argos are, no doubt, looking for backup, since Crouch is not ready to take the reigns in the event that Wynn is hurt.
PRE! haha id love to see him get at least a few series, hes been around for a long time now he might have an easier time picking up the offence. He was a QB in college, I was at the practice yesterday hes not bad at all actually. I hate Khari Jones stay away from Toronto hes a bum. I'd rather pick up some unknown QB from somewhere, kinda like what the Cats did to get Eakin. I like him i think hes better than Maas.
There's a rumor that the Argos will speak to Flutie the elder about playing. If they're looking at Khari, they should bring back Peterson instead. At least he knows the plays and players.
It seems theArgos are taking a page out of those Leafs…HA HA HA.
Yes, I thought the with the way Wynn played on Saturday, the blue team need not panic. It has been said that Damon Allen might not be quite as good as his numbers indicates, as he has talented teammates that make him look good. And if Ricky Williams is utilized as well as he can be, the injury to Allen might not matter as much. I previously mentioned this in my report from the game which you can read if you click here.
And as for Khari Jones, I’m somewhat surprised that Winnipeg has not tried to pick him up. If there’s a team in the league that’s in serious trouble if their starting quarterback is out with an injury for some time, I’d say it’s Winnipeg. He could be a backup quarterback with the Bombers, just as he was when his CFL career was taking off. I for one thought his career might appear to come full circle.