dose any one rembember him. he is now a teacher at my high school. I was just starting to watch football when he played dose anyone have any story about thanks
Bulldog57- Not a hamillton bulldog fan
dose any one rembember him. he is now a teacher at my high school. I was just starting to watch football when he played dose anyone have any story about thanks
Bulldog57- Not a hamillton bulldog fan
ya, he was a good Defensive tackle that didn't stick around for whatever reason. beit that he made more money teaching or just didn't get signed anywhere when he became a free agent back in 05 ish...
Good motor, below average ability = short career.
If he teaches english he will tell you that it is "does" not "dose" (:
.nvm then lol
his time here can be summed up like this. he was a bad player who got playing time only because he was on a terrible team. hes teaching english because when hamilton decided to upgrade its talent he was first on the chopping block and there was no other place for him to go. other than that he made the best of the opportunity he found himself in. now he has a good career teaching enlish which i consider to be very respectful.
I remember him as a good DT, a far better player than any of the bench warming fans I sit with.
As the son of an English prof, I too think teaching English is a very respectable profession..... but not quite as dangerous as Defensive Tackle.
Oskee Wee Wee
(I would hate to get in trouble in his class, better do your homework)
John was a good guy. I believe he is also helping to Coach with his old pal Kyle Walters up in Guelph.
John's sister owns an awesome gift shop at the Mississaugas of The New Credit First Nations Plaza at Hwy # 6 and First Line in Hagersville......she carries a ton of NASCAR stuff for those interested.....fantastic authentic NASCAR jackets too!
.....well, she was in business the last time I stopped in anyhow......John is a member of Canada's First Nations people.
Sorry Blitz21, but you’re thinking of the wrong guy. Your coach at Saltfleet was Bob MacDonald, not John.
Old MacDonald, Ronald MacDonald, Bob, John, say hi to them all!