
Who are those impostors wearing Tiger-Cat uniforms? They are the sorriest bunch of gutless, heartless quitters that it has been my misfortune to see. They should be wearing pink and white instead of black and gold. The black and gold should be reserved for the men that made football great in this city: Covington, DiPietro, Zambiasi, Mosca, Bennett, Osbaldiston, Ruoff, Coffey, Henley,
Faloney, Montford, McManus, Flutie, Morreale, Hitchcock etc. And can somebody give me one good reason why I should go to the last three games because the cattmann will not and does not support quitters.

the only one who showed grits tonight were TAY CODY, AND COREY HOLMES/KAMU PETERSON/WILLIE QUINNIE. thats it!

And can somebody give me one good reason why I should go to the last three games because the cattmann will not and does not support quitters.
Because then you'd be a quitter. In essence, not supporting yourself.


I have never quit at anything and, I support myself just fine thank you.

The Cattmann comes out of his lair and is NOT happy. Mark backs away making soothing noises and hope the Cattmann calms down and enters into a state of apathy similar to tne one that he is experiencing so that the Cattmann will be able to sleep and be healthy rather than have pent up rage. Come and join us on the apathetic side brother.

You can even start smiling and laughing again (although sometimes it still hurts).

Mark, Don’t worry I am calming down as I write this. Just have to remember what a friend told me, “its just a game”.

Just pretend the last three games are 2007 pre-season. It’s much more tolerable that way.

Yeah. Try going 'meow' for a bit instead of 'roar'.

You know, sometime I AM going to have the time drive to Hamilton and visit the Hall to meet you. And yes, I know I've said this for several years now.