Had to love the huge number of Ticat-geared fans at the Grey Cup and on the GO Train there and back. I think we were second behind Regina in presence at the game. Can't wait to see the Tiger-Cats make it to the Grey Cup, hopefully within the next couple of years.
It was nice to see all the black and gold jerseys. I don't think we were second in attendance. That would probably be Argos or Bombers.
Bombers were a definate second, I didn't see one Ti-cat or Argo fan and I'd say maybe 2000 of the fans at the game were from the Toronto area.
Um, if you didn’t see one Ticat or Argo then you weren’t looking hard enough. I was in the 500s and it was packed with Argo and Ticat fans (cuz let’s face it, the 100s were packed with Bombers and Riders, and we ain’t paying that amount if our team ain’t in it).
And if you were around during Grey Cup festivities on Saturday, they were all over the place.
You’re just wearing blinders. You like to say that fans in S.O. are no good and we don’t like the CFL. So you convince yourself that we weren’t around during Grey Cup week.
I was in the 100 level endzone under the jumbo tron and I honestly didn’t see any ti-cat fans the whole time. I’m sorry lol. I wasn’t trying to convince myself of anything lol.
I was in the 100 level, at about the 45 yard line, and there were several Tiger Cat fans near me.
The ticat fans were drowned by all that annoying green people!