Gamers - Madden NFL (and other football games)

ok gamers i am really wanting a decent football game but unfortunately none are made for nintendo switch (of which i have 2, the regular console and the lite). i’m not crazy about games for PC.

is it worth it for me to shell out for a used sony PSP or Vita to get Madden NFL? note: i prefer the portable consoles.

also any other football game suggestions and discussion welcome.


goddammit there has to be some gamers here. you can’t all be grump old men lol

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Madden 08 until I die. I'm so sad I can't find my old disc anymore. The last actually good Madden, and I will die on that hill.

As for games you can get right now? Retro Bowl for mobile gets really really good reviews and actually lets you do things you can't do in Madden. SoftDrinkTV, who reviews sports games on YouTube, has a couple of videos about it.