Fans throw flag on cops conduct at Rider vs Stamps game.

Nope - just a healthy respect for authority.

I don't doubt these kids believe every word of their story to be absolutely fact.
I do however doubt it IS 100% fact.
In melees such as this, things happen quickly and seldom does anyone know exactly what happened.
But despite the theory that cops hassle young people more---it is likely true because young people are far more likely to be doing something worth hassling them about--these guys admit to behaviour that drew the police to them.

Now regarding the aggressiveness of the police in making the arrest.
First, they admit they resisted--did I mention you should get a lawyer?
But police are not actually very well trained to do crowd control.
They are taught to deal with criminals and to disperse unruly crowds, not control a couple of fans within a group, that are not criminals, nor can the group they are within be dispersed.
It creates problems.
At Taylor Field, the involvement of police has been reduced dramatically and private security is now the prevalent method of crowd control.
There are plenty of police at hand, but they are not the ones that normally go into the stands.
The reason for that is, private security can actually be trained to deal with the specific needs of a football crowd.
The police had a reputation of being a tad heavy handed, just as apparently they do in Calgary.
And I would have to say, there is less commotion when a few security guards arive at the scene than when the police use to do it.

There are lots of reasons for all of this--even I don't see the need to ramble on forever about them.

Anyway, my point, overly verbose as usual, is that these kids likely have some of the facts correct, but need to realize, they screwed up and need to own up to what they did, before throwing accusations at the police.
Heavy handed or not, the police were doing their job.

I have found that it is usually the guilty ones that cry the loudest when the get reprimanded.

It never seems to be their fault. They are always the ones being picked on. :roll:

Well I'm not sure being overly violent is doing their job.

Likewise, I'm not sure that being young and being hassled by the police is a right of passage. Certainly not all young people are, so what separates those who are from those who are not hassled? The clothes they wear? The length of their hair? The colour of their skin? Being young (or whatever) doesn't mean you should automatically be manhandled by burly police simply because they can. There are laws to protect us from just such arbitrary police actions (if you can afford to exert your rights).

That said, being young is also no excuse for not being aware that the potential for violent arrest exists, even if you don't think you deserve it. The lesson learned should be that if you are in public and police are present you should take care not to get their attention, and certainly not provoke them by getting in their face a second time. Were the police needlessly violent and possibly even breaking the law themselves? Maybe, but hopefully these young people have learned that most people will a) automatically assume they are guilty, b) do nothing if anything to help them, and c) refuse to believe that the police can be in any way responsible.

I have not been hassled by the cops either, and yes I agree the cops are there to protect us, But they cannot let that power go to their heads. They have to know what force they can and can't rightfully use. They have to be aware that the public is constantly watching and judging them on their actions and with false steps like excessive force the needed respect the cops get from the public goes down. I'm sure 99/100 cops are great but it only takes one to ruin for everybody in this case.

You sound like a bleeding heart judge and we know there area lot of them. After all they have to keep the payroll in line for their lawyer buddies right. Yes police officers had a code of conduct as well. But when morons start throwing beer and beer cans at people and the police they bascially deserve to be remove from the stadium. After all those tickets do not entitle the holder to have open season on footballs there for enjoyment. This fellow who is complaining did not know that in fact a fan was injured do to this stupidity. You cause a problem you are responsible for the consequences. You fight police officers what do you think they should take you Tim Hortons for a coffee to sober you up. They are there to make sure no other injuries are a result of fans that can not handle their booze. Your friend is an idiot and was treated like one if he so choose to fight with officers. Do I feel sorry for you and your friend absolutely not. The guy with the stiches on his forehead could careless as well.

What a Moprn? :stuck_out_tongue:

Well they certainly deserved to be thrown out if they were hurling beer and cussin' :smiley:

What's worse, they went back in for more. They should be ashamed that they probably ruined the game for a lot of people.

I will say that they way they were removed probably could have handled better so that fewer people were involved or even noticed. Stuff like this should never be news.

I wasn't there so I cannot comment on that exact situation and what happened. All I'm saying is I hate when someone gets power and they use abuse that power that was given to them.

Yes and all I can say is I hate having someone come to my home and throw beer at cops and fans. I just have so much sympathy for these types of losers.

The claim of "excessive force" is coming from the alleged victims: a bunch of drunks who got thrown out of the stadium. The fact that the article appeared in the Leader-Post means nothing, since the only "source" was those same drunks.

The guy who made the initial post even said himself that he didn't see what happened that started it all; he just looked down and saw his buddy being escorted from the stadium. And apparently they were so out of it that they believed that the entire stadium, including fans, players, officials, and even the TV network which was airing the game nationwide, all stopped what they were doing to watch what was going on. Delusional.

Calgary police may or may not be heavy-handed, but I find it difficult to believe that they would beat the daylights out of someone in a crowded football stadium for no other reason than that he was a Riders fan. If they did, there would be complaints from a hell of a lot more people than just the clowns that were getting booted.

If you're asked to leave, leave. If you return, you're guilty of trespassing and can be arrested. If you resist that arrest, there will be some degree of force used. And a more plausible explanation than that he was thrown down the stairs would be that he tripped over his own inebriated feet.

Makes perfect sense to me

Well stated Dave!

While lets see what we have here. Likely facts and or assumptions:

A couple of kids who had some liquid courage. Not proven, but highly likely.

Cops who got overly strong with fans, to the extent that innocent bystanders. Both Sask and Calgary fans re-acted.

Some abuse of power by police. Subjective here, to be proven. But very likely. I have personally watched police hit someone, when asked for badge and name. A friend of mine who is a cop doesn't like giving out his name and number as he says, he doesn't know how it will be used.

A tense situation that likely should have been handled by all including other sask fans, other calgary fans, the fans involved in this situation and the police.

Nice effort with your post but made me laugh hard enough I rebooted my computer by mistake. Check Daves post I think that is enough said.

Another comment that proves it must be RW05 way or everyone is wrong. Nothing amazing here...just more of the same.....

Say what I suppose you disagree with Dave's post. And if you do you prove one thing to me and need I have to repeat it. By now you should know for yourself insert Id10t.


But then again…what can we say about the stampede city, here is the team and city that banned a gopher, based on the fact that they thought he would create to much excitement. Just wondering how much influence the boys in blue had on making that decision. [/b]

Are you Gainer? Seems like your as smart as Gainer! :lol:

Truth must hurt a little bit doesn't RW05. I mean all week long you have been saying the how bad the riders fans are. When it is pointed out the Calgary fans were just as involved you ignore it. It gets pointed out every stadium as those type of fans you ignore it.

People question the integrity of the police and you say it can't happen and ignore it.

This is turning into another one of these situations where RW05 is right, and the league, the refs, and the rest of the world is wrong.

Keep going RW05