
Im going into this football camp this summer to get ready for highschool football. and i need equipment for it so im wondering where i can buy it in saskatoon and how much it costs.


.....I don't know if it's the same there as it is here but your high school should be loaning you your equipment with some sort of deposit....

......failing that, go to Mosaic Stadium this Saturday and chances are there will be many cast off pieces of gear from fleeing Riders as the EvilStamps visit Taylor Field and lay waste to the Green and White....sort of a garage sale I guess...

Actually there should be some slightly used Stampeder gear for sale, at a great discount because it'll be only worn for a few game minutes, and it'll be covered in blood.

It's tough to find football equipment anywhere except for the state of Texas. Here is a great website for you


For pants you should get the new integrated pants heres the link. These are awesome, and its about time they came up with something like this.

Yeah there expensive, but worth it my football team just ordered these.

Also check out ebay. There are so many people that blow out there knees and get rid of new equipment. For shoulder pads go with Riddell or Douglass. For a helment checkout the ridddell revolution. There are also new football pants that are out now, they integrate the pads into the pants. Nothing is worse than having to keep tugging at your thigh pads and having to fix them.

Good luck at camp