Enjoy The Grey Cup Folks- Canada's Celebration!!


How lucky we are in Canada to enjoy relative peace and be able to cheer and support our Canadian teams rather than worry about bombs and terrorists much in our country.
The Grey Cup is truly a coast to coast to coast celebration. I am meeting today with supporters of pretty much every team to watch the game with lots of teasing and fun going in every direction. Most will wear their favourite teams colours or jerseys, hats etc. The All-Prairie Classic will be a great event whatever the final score.
I am so proud to be a Canadian and count my good fortune every day!!!

Now that all the nicieties are out of the way.!! Riders Rule, Rider Pride Nation Wide and good luck to the Bombers too but stick to perogies Winnipers!!

cheers to all!!!!!!!!!!!!

CFL Rule so does Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well said turkey (finally, something intelligent).

All in good fun my friend. Have one heck of a day and enjoy the game.

Thanks Turk and Deb.....have a great day watching the spectacle that is uniquely ours everyone.


I have to admit I get a bit teary-eyed sometimes I miss it so much. I LOVE this game and the Grey Cup!

Thanks to all the posters on this great site! And good luck to your team, whichever that is!