English Debate. My thoughts

I would also look at other places in Canada to come to Alberta. Maybe places in Ontario where certain plants have shut-down like the GM plant. But eventually immigration help will be needed. Currently I have a guy from South Africa working for me (great employee).

How's the manufacturing sector in Calgary and Edmonton right now, know of anyone looking for a young engineer/manager.

most of what I would've said was already here, but I have a very hard time believing that Martin now wants to "fix" education, as part of the reason tuition has jumped so much in the past few years is the offloading of responsibilities to the provinces from the feds that came under him as finance minister. It's kinda like how he's going to "fix" health care, as he was at least partially responsible for it being "broken". Besides, as I understand, most of what he's proposing doesn't come in right away, it's phased in meaning that even if he were to win a majority, it'd be time for another election by the time any real progress was made. And then, it's set up for a new round of promises that never need to be kept. I know everyone does it, but to let the same guys keep getting away with it isn't going to make it happen any sooner.

roughyfan, we actually just hired a guy from Ontario that wasn't able to find work out there... I can see lots more of them coming west. I'm in a structural design office, so I don't really deal with many manufacturers, but I'll keep my eyes open for something if you'd like. If you've got experience tho, come out here for a week and pound the pavement, I'm sure you'll find something suitable.

Oh I'm sure I can find something out there quite easily when I'm ready to leave. The economy is booming out there.

......both Edmonton and Calgary have manufacturing sectors ticking at full speed........the papers are jammed with jobs......the unemployment rate in Edmonton is like 4.3 and for Calgary is 4.4 (National rate is 6.somehting)......that 4% represents either people between jobs, newly landed or just-plain-never-gonna-work folks who enjoy scrounging for bottles........you'd have a job within a week I'm sure........best advice I could give is to send your resume to a employment placing firm, or check out a website like calgaryjobshop.ca (I just looked and in Calgary alone there are 61 job openings in the Manufacturing sector) or monster.ca.........finding a job will be no stress whatsoever...........finding a place to live, well, that's a whole 'nother story.........home builders in town are now telling clients there is no promise of a delivery date, you can move in when we are finished your house, whenever that might be.......

Oh I know about the housing market. My younger sister and her fiance purchased a condo last may (850 sq. ft for $220,000) and won't be able to move in to this June. But it is downtown.

Maybe in September I'll do that.

Tell me jm how was my comment uneducated? Have a couple of people from the middle east in power and see how long woman's rights last in our country. A guy out east that formerly lived in Syria or some place like that went up to an NDP MP and asked him to help bring over his wives from his country. I take pride in Canada allowing immigrants land here and find jobs. If it werent for immigrants being allowed to land here, none of us would even be here (except the natives). I guess I have too much respect for woman to allow them to be treated like dirt as in some countrys.

guess I'm spoiled here... In nebraska, realestate is cheap.

Wife and I bought our first house in the suburbs 2 years ago. We got a 1,450 square foot house, brand new, with 2x garage, yard and unfinished basement (not counted in footage) for $148,000 USD. This is pretty much standard prices here per square foot.

Wages are not very high, but cost of living is very cheap. People rave about wages in other states, but after you factor in cost of living, we are best off here then in other places in the states. I've penciled it out.

When people compare wages and job markets, this is hardly ever in the equasion.

Now all we have to do is convert you to a Lions fan! :wink:

The big reason is commercial vehicles. The new ferries that the Government ordered can handle commercial vehicles. The Fast Cats cannot. The fuel consumption and wakes damaging docks are still being looked at.

RedandWhite, I agree that there wasn't much that Harper could have said that would have made me like him. I never once said that I was being objective.

greenandwhite, you are being stereotypical again. Just because someone is from the middle east does not mean they are against womens rights. MAybe they left their coujntry to get away from such persecussion. It is all based on the individual. And seriously do you think anyone would elect someone who would want to take away women's rights? I doubt it. And if they did get eleceted they sure wouldn't be given much power in the caucus.

.....uneducated, greenandwhite, because you came across as racist and intolerant.....whether or not that is what you intended, that is how I perceived it. I believe people are people, period, and should be treated as such. Race, religion, political affiliation, and the like are unimportant to me insofar as finding kinship goes.....your initial statement did not reflect my opinions in the least, even with your "I'm not trying to sound racial" schtick, which is why I took exception. As far as women's rights go, I would prefer the human rights are upheld first.....

.....true enough soupman.....

.......Sporty, the main problem with the not-so-fast-ferries isnt' the effect of wake on docks so much as the effect of wake on intertidal pools, at least that was what I understood......the nsff's can cruise at 24-25 knots, whereas the traditional god-luv em old ferries cruise at 12 knots.......a 12 knot wake has little to no effect on the intertidal pools and shore life, but when the nsff's came on board for a short time in the late 90s their wake began to damage shore life.......the treehuggers protested, the BC Fisheries investigated and found it to be true, and ordered the nsff's to maintian cruising at 12 knots.......sorta like having a ferrari and keeping it to 100kmh......

First off to the people who don’t understand what Harper was saying about Liberal cut in taxes. My first guess would be either you have a good paying job or you still live at home with mommy and daddy.

As hard as it is to believe, when your driving your SUV or buying the latest video game. Or saving money for your extravagant tuition fees.
There are many many people (Harper says 30%, I have no reason to doubt him), that do not make enough to pay taxes. They either make something less than $10,000 or are on social assistance. YOU DON’T PAY TAXES if that’s all you earn. GET IT. But what you do do is buy Popcorn and Beer which you pay GST on GET IT.

Harper also talks about giving a break to those who ride the bus, (something else a poor person does) and is going to reduce tuition fees etc, etc he had a whole list.

On to Day Care (then I’ll stop) The Liberals are offering a day care system that will provide day care spots for 500,000 of the 2,000,000 children that live in Canada that are 6 and under. That’s lovely, if you work 9-5 Monday to Friday and that’s lovely for the ½ million kids, but what about the other 1.5 million children? Fend for yourself? And does the Liberal national day care proposal mention if they are subsidized spots or are they just going to hire more civil servants and hire some of their friends at $338,000/year to manage it. Along, with clauses that pay out disgusting amounts of money if they are caught doing anything backhanded or in a Liberal’s case Illegal. How, come after 2 debates I don’t know the answer to the subsidized question to this do you? The Conservatives are going to pay $1,200 per child per family. Now, this may not seem like a whole lot but it may be enough to encourage people earning minimum wage with a partner earning a decent wage to stay home. It may also, help the person on minimum wage that is barely squeaking by to make it though another month. If you had two children under six that would be $200 more a month a pittance to you rich folk maybe, but if you earn $1000/mth. That’s a 20% increase! Now for others this may encourage paying for Day Care and we all know what happens when demand surpassses supply don’t we?

How, anyone can vote for a party that has stolen “YOUR� not their money, and remember this is not fiction but fact. And is currently, under investigation for the 33rd time is really so far beyond my understanding it drives me crazy. I mean if you don’t like the Conservative Platform vote NDP or Green Party or make up your own. Party (but of course, be sure you do vote, no matter what your decision, just make it an informed one, and if you don’t know the details behind the a parties polices ask yourself why?)

One last thing: Is it my imagination or when they address one another during the debate they call each other Mr. (---------) Except for Duceppe they leave the Mr. off.

Personally, Harper can take his daycare money and shove it in places unmentionable.....I can afford childcare.....I do not, however, have a spot to put my two kids.....it is near impossible to find adequate child care for two very young children - most places are full.....having the cash in my hand from Harper to pay for a child care spot would be just ducky, but until he decides to open up two more spots of appropriate care for my two kids that money gets me sweet bugger all.....

Any idea where Harper is going to get all this money??? It seems to me they will have to raise my taxes to pay for someone elses kids.

As for the investigations, it is getting to the point where anybody can make up anything they want and everyone believes them. There were just as many scandals the last time the cons were in power.

I guess what I am really seeing here and trying to say with my limited knowledge on the Ferry subject…

I see a Fast Ferry being built by the NDP and apparently, from what we read, they were supposed to be ‘completely useless’

A new so-called right wing govt. takes power and sells the ferries to an American outfit for a song

New owners take on a feasability study…and suddenly the ferries are 'quite useful 'for the purpose they were intended…and not only that …they could make a profit for the new private ownership…on the routes they were supposed to run…

looking at these bare facts…I would say the taxpayers of B.C. got ripped off…wouldn’t you say…

my conclusion is that the Ferries were sold off because of government philosophical differences…left wing govt. built em so we as a right wing govt. have to get rid of them…even if we take a huge loss…

seems to me if I was a taxpayer in B.C… I would be a little more than po’d at the present (not NDP) govt…and would like some answers…something stinks… :roll:

First off if you have enough money a spouse should stay home. Despite what the Liberals say a parent is still the best person to bring up their children. What about a Grand parent. If none of these are workable , I will take a step out on the limb and not knowing you suggest you take a look around at the luxuries you have and ask yourself which ones are more important then your children. If there are enough people that require daycare in your area supply and demand will soon accommodate you.

Perhaps I should have been more clear. In our present situation, we cannot afford both parents to stay home - however, with both of us working, we can afford the childcare. Our parents are young enough - my parents have another 15 years of work in them before they retire - so using family for care is out. We don't have a lot of luxuries.....we don't drive a new car, we don't wear brand name clothing.....but we also don't make 70 grand a year.....and besides, why do I have to justify myself to you? Whether or not both parents work in my situation is none of your damned business. Who are you to raise my kids? I expressed an opinion based on my personal situation, and you use that as a judgement against me. I'll stay at home with my kids if I feel like it.....and you have no bloody right to judge me regardless of my decision.


According to the Liberals there are billions in excess $ they collected from us already.
Besides how much do you think a national day care is going to cost “Good God� have you not been listening.

One thing for sure we know the Gomery inquiry was true. What more do you need. Look I was no big supporter of the Conservatives I flip flop as the issues come out. But, every time we find these guys stealing we should be kicking them out. Not only, that we should be demanding jail time for some of these guys. Mulroney got his, whats so hard about doing the same to the other bunch of crooks???