Dual Citizen of Australia and Canada: Declare as National or Global?

If you were a football player entering the draft process and held dual citizenship for Australia and Canada, how would you approach the decision to declare as a National or a Global player?

What factors would influence your choice? Would it depend on your position, your connections within the league, or maybe even your long-term career goals?

Vote away!

  • National
  • Global
0 voters

…thats a solid maybe. Depends on position really. Kicker? Global. Anything else? National.


only guessing here but if you declared Global and were competing against other Globals, I would think there would be less chance of making the team as opposed to being National


How about that a 50/50 split.

It might depend on what’s in the CBA in regards to dual citizenship.

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Is this an irrevocable decision?

I believe once you’re drafted you cannot change your nationality.

For th purposes of the poll we’ll say that once you decide, you have to stick with it for your career.


I think the Global program might be scrapped by the new Commissioner so I’d go with the safer “National” route.


Ah this is thinking too hard for this late in the day after work, exercise, and study, but damnit because it’s your post Dr. Goalposts, alright then.

Upon further review,

So as I read the rules, for as you know we are playing here by strict rules,
it would be advantageous to select Global, simply because there is a guaranteed minimum for you PLUS teams may have an extra GLOBAL player as well.

Now for certain special teams positions (K, P, LS) or quarterback (no global players here yet), I don’t think it matters because you either have to perform very well or you will quickly be replaced.

But for other positions, I think being a global gives you a slight edge to stay on rosters when performance is close to that of an American.

Also here’s something I did not know for American players:

Nationalized Americans

Nationalized American players are defined as having played with their current team for 3 years or at least 5 years in the League. One Nationalized American player may be listed as one of the eight National starters.


Well thank you to everyone who participated but it looks like there was no need for a poll after all!


i only voted global only because there was no option to add a 4th down lol


My vote is neither as I don’t believe affirmative action belongs in professional sports, although I have fewer problems with the global initiative than the integrity sapping national ruse that lowers the quality of the on field product. For example, global punters seem on balance to be far better than the former national punters who could barely average 40 yards.

Otherwise it appears obvious to elect to be a national or fake national. That ensures you will be paid more than comparable or better players. It’s like having your very own union or winning the lottery or daddy being the head of the company.


I have or had dual citizanship with Australia. However, I am a die hard Canadian and would never want to be anything else in any situation. I might be tempted to go Global if it meant a better chance to make a team, but in the end, I dont think I would.

My attachment to Canada at the age of 14 led to my fathers death because I did not want to leave Canada, even to go back to him. But thats another story. I feel so privileged and proud to be Canadian.


Uh-hum :thinking: …well, you tried :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
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He didn’t lock the poll yet, so you can just undo your vote now, and you can also pretend that this attempt at entertainment never happened.

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And even worse was that he and his team were penalized yardage after he penalized himself!
Oh the humanity!

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He also took a shot from an opposing player and fell into another lol

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Well the good news is that people will complain about the player not being a “true Canadian” if declared a national, or be despised for taking a roster spot from someone else who in their eyes is “more deserving” if they are declared a global player so it’s lose-lose all around and they’ll be hated evenly by both groups.