Dan Hawkins First media interview

This is a great interview. I like this guy a lot.

[url=http://www.985sports.ca/football/nouvelles/je-pourrais-rester-ici-toute-ma-vie-dan-hawkin-219857.html]http://www.985sports.ca/football/nouvel ... 19857.html[/url]

Good honest answer:

«J’ai fait cette erreur à mon arrivée au Colorado, nous avons mis l’ancien livre de jeux aux poubelles et nous avons recommencé à zéro. Ça n’a pas été une bonne idée. Je ne sais pas combien de matchs cela nous a coûtés, mais je ne ferai pas la même erreur. Je veux apprendre le jargon des Alouettes et nous allons l’utiliser. C’est plus facile pour moi d’apprendre leur jargon que le contraire. Ils ont connu du succès ici sous Trestman, ça ne sert à rien de tout changer.»

Apparently his daughter speaks French very well. Interesting. He and his wife are currently looking for a place in Montreal.

:thup: He's all in and I like that as you know :D

He's also a guest on Off the Record tonight for those interested.

And if you missed my earlier post he is on Antichambre tonight.

Yeah missed it. Thanks muchly. What time and station if you could ?

LOL, same here. Refreshing to have a coach who wants to dive in with both feet instead of a robot empowering self-motivated individuals within an actualized culture of proactive potentialities blah blah blah…:wink:

It will be on RDS after the Rangers / Lightning hockey game at around 9:30.

Thanks, for those like me who don't get RDS. Its on the website.

RDS: Alouettes de Montréal - profil- Football LCF

CJAD: CJAD 800 | Montreal’s #1 News Talk Radio station

When asked on RDS about priorities, he answered making John Bowman a force again, and that while Whyte was good with his placements they have to find a way of not losing field position. It shows that he already gets it.

And his personality can only help better sell the Als in the province.

Hallelujah. No longer will our best effing pass rusher be forced to take care of backside pursuit and/or drop into pass coverage.

This is what Thorpe had to say in Le Journal Wed.:

Thorpe souhaite instaurer un système similaire à celui qui était en place en 2002. Cette année-là, les Alouettes ont remporté la coupe Grey.

«Je veux mettre l’accent sur une bonne couverture homme à homme, a noté le coordonnateur. Je souhaite que les joueurs mettent beaucoup de pression sur le quart, mais avant tout, j’aimerais qu’ils soient très agressifs sur le ballon.»

La brigade défensive a eu son lot de problèmes la saison dernière. D’ici le début du camp, Thorpe sait qu’il devra trimer dur.

On verra ce que ça donnera sur le terrain.

On s’est enthousiasmé pour le babillage pré-saison de Reinebold et on déchanté losqu’il est passé à l’application de ses concepts, et encore plus lorsqu’il a fallu qu’il fasse des choix pour s’ajuster.

J’ai confiance en Thorpe, mais je vais voir avant de jubiler.

Hope he can win 2013 COTY.

Scott makes no mention of trestman in his acceptance speech. Good luck repeating :thdn:

He is doing the media rounds. He was on CTV Montreal at Noon today. He mentioned that they have been writing words in french on the board in his office that he is going to try and learn.
Wonder what those words may be :wink:

Sean Whyte co hosting TSN690 right now.

Said that Trestman rarely spoke to him or the D.

Apparently Trestman was not happy with him signing an autograph before a game in Edmonton.

He read them off on his interview with Filiposa that I linked to. Quoi,Quand,Qui.Comment,Ou… Poor guy people are testing his French after a week!

Whyte is co-hosting the show for the first hour.

Exactement. On a subit des renversements a chacun des années précédentes, y compris l’année 2011 sous Tibesar. Je croix que Thorpe va bien fair, mais c’est facile de parler de ce qu’on doit fair. La preuve sera retrouvé sur le terrain.