Could we see a new name or Return of a old one

Congratulations to the Edmonton fans on getting a new owner. I’m wondering if we’re going to see The Return of the eskimos name. Your new owner mentioned that name quite a few times in his press conference. I thought the elk name was pretty MEH. The first time I heard it. I always thought you guys should have been rebranded as the Edmonton Empire
And kept the EE as your logo

What are your guys thoughts


IF they returned to the old name it would be a process with approval of the northern first nations approval.

Don’t see that this season.


The only name that would be worse than Elks is Empire!


As I recall, the First Nations were fine with it. It was one of the sponsors that raised a stink.


I imagine they would put something together to ensure there was no doubt about that should they choose to change the name.

I would be fine with it myself. There is heritage and history in that name.


I didn’t have an issue with the old name myself.

But to go back to the old name it’s really important for the franchise to go through the consultation process with the Indigenous communities.

The Vancouver Warriors Lacrosse team went through a similar rebrand by including the various Indigenous communities surrounding the Vancouver area.


Edmonton Eskimos works for me . If not that then they should maybe just try to shorten it to the Eskies ?

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When they surveyed the season ticket holders, the people who actually help pay the bills, there was overwhelming support to keep the name but that doesn’t matter in today’s world.


I agree. Since I started watching this league in the 60’s it has always been;
Esks, Stamps, Bombers, Riders, Als, Argos, Cats. Rarely did I ever here anyone call them by their full name, other than announcers. Lions and whoever Ottawa was was a tough one to abbreviate.


That’s usually the way it works. The people that it actually affects don’t have the problem, but others are quick to the draw with the virtue signalling


Wasn’t Natan Obed leading the charge of changing the name?

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That’s the guy , an opportunist if I have ever saw one before . I can guaran-damn-tee you that he had never been to an Eskimos game before in his life and has never been to an Elks game since the name change .


CBC did conduct an interview with him a few days before the 2015 Final (last championship under the Eskimos name).

Didn’t seem interested in hearing the questions.

Johnathan Tootoo also weighed in during the pandemic.

He’s Inuk himself, he didn’t have an issue with the Eskimo name itself but did say the question needs to asked why that name was chosen back in 1949.

Don’t believe he advocated for the name change itself.


Well that’s it damnit. There’s our answer. At least for a while.

Larry Thompson has spoken. He just got here. He likes Coors, the Banquet Beer, already too, and he’s going to enjoy it for a bit after all that ordeal to buy the team. He’s happy too.

And there’s not a damn thing you can do about it, and I’m sure he does not care right now about any of this right now either.

But hey, it’s a long off-season and the first via a new private owner of the team,
so I’m sure he has people coming on board with heavy equipment all over the place,
he still owns thirty companies after all,
and who will be at work on plenty of plans with a workplace dynamic probably also akin to a construction site.

If you all reading now don’t have a pair of steel-toe boots yet or need a new pair, now’s the time and quit screwing around.


Take some advice from a lifetime CFL and Ottawa football fan. Change the name back to the Eskimos. It was good enough for 70 years, there was no reason to change it in the first place.


I wish it would happen but it’s not gonna, it’s the way of the world today.


There is already a thread about this subject in the team forum:

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:sunglasses: Screw the way of the world today, they don’t run all of our lives, as much as they want to !! Jut the bleeding heart society :-1: :-1:

As far as I am concerned it is the Edmonton Eskimos , for ever and ever !!
And for all those who don’t like that tough tiddy !! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I know what you’re saying, they stopped caring about the people who pay the freight in favor of a vocal minority who seem to be offended about just about everything.