Censorship is alive and well or Billy did not like it and one of the mods exterminated it!
Maybe they thought you weren't referring to the President?
Lol....yep, I must apologize for that, then.....sorry saskargo.....I didn't read back, and assumed you meant something else when you asked him.....to tell you the truth, I'm still not so sure you didn't mean it in the first place.....
ha it's funny cause its true.
I am not going to argue with you but Both games have their good points.
Hey falcons fan
I have tried to watch the NFL for years and its about as exciting as watching paint dry. Why dont you enlighten us as to why its better than the CFL.
enlighten means inform!
Sorry inform means tell!
The teams that are exciting to watch in the NFL are the ones that play a CFL type game
I'm not suprised that the males would take it that way.However you jm02.I'm very dissapointed in you!!!!
I will ask God to forgive you tomorrow at church!!!
Go bless jm02!!!
As I stated in another thread
I will never understand the people that come here just to knock the greatest game there is! Oh wait! I think they call it jealousy
I call it Lucifers little helpers.
May God help them.
God bless the CFL!!!!!
Go watch the 2005 GC and you'll see why the CFL is better than the NFL
I am both a fan of NFL and CFL, but i like to watch cfl more because there is more passing, and it seems to me like cfl players put in more of an effort than nfl players. Lots of times an nfl game is won in the first quarter, and then the second half is just run plays, which makes the game very boring.
Aaahhh yes!! Yet another egotistical,arrogant,opinionated,closed-minded,self serving,uneducated(probably Bush supporting) american, who makes me oh so proud to be a part of the “greatest comedy on Earth”
Of course the rules are strange to someone like YOU. A person who isn’t even willing to understand them before you spew your typical americanism’s.
NEWS FLASH:…There are many nfl teams that would succomb to an NCAA team. In fact I am personally sick and tired of hearing people ask for a CFL-nfl matchup. How about an NCAA bowl team against an nfl team??? hasn’t happened and never will because the nfl wouldn’t want to be embarrased. Odds are?? yeah maybe the nfl team would win. But…just like the name of that movie, “Any given Sunday” anything can happen when it’s just one game and the nfl couldn’t afford a black eye like that.
Can’t you guys tell when somebody is trying to wind you up.
What? I like the NFL...I'd like it better if they used a normal field.
Oh and by normal I mean 110 yards with the goalposts on the goal line.
The NFL is like back yard football with Millionare players big deal. Boring! I have gone to lots of NFL games and the cheer leaders were the best part!
i wanna slap ppl like him....
sambo42 wrote:
The teams that are exciting to watch in the NFL are the ones that play a CFL type gameExcellent saying sambo! You express my thoughts to a tee on this.
Are you a relative of Argos Bill?