Mark Cohon was interviewed in this weeks Macleans.
This is the part I found most interesting (from page 2):
Q: What about discipline? When you tried to come down hard on A. J. Gass of the Edmonton Eskimos this season for a helmet-throwing incident, the league's one-game suspension got overturned in arbitration. It later turned out the arbitrator was an Eskimos season-ticket-holder. This has been portrayed as not being your finest hour.
A: I don't think it's about my finest hour. The issue is that I've inherited a disciplinary system that is broken. The way the process works is that it's based primarily on past precedent. So if a helmet was thrown in 1970 and there was a fine of $100, that factors into something that happens in 2007. And that's wrong. I also believe the players' association needs to take a leadership role in helping define what's acceptable in our league and what's not. In the off-season we talked about sitting down and talking about that, and I'm going to continue to push them. You know, I think that actually that was my finest hour, because I was standing up for the league.