Checking Down: Zach Collaros available for Labour Day rematch

TORONTO — The Winnipeg Blue Bombers listed quarterback Zach Collaros as available for the game on Saturday against the Saskatchewan Roughriders.

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Will the cfl commissioner be presenting the Banjo Bowl Trophy to Winnipeg Blue Bombers once again ?:thinking:

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Expect a Bomber beatdown on the Riders this Saturday. We all saw what happened last Banjo Bowl when a Rider defender tried to goon out Collaros in the LDC. Expect more of the same this year folks


What no mention of Bighill “gooning” out against Patterson in the game before? You see what you want to see.

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Yes no mention. We’re talking about QB in the pocket and a QB turned running back out of the pocket. We’re talking about a blow to the chin, vs one to midsection. We’re talking about someone in the throwing position (vulnerable) vs someone in control of their movement running around who had every opportunity to slide. You have to be wearing green glasses to think these two plays are similar.

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Only a Sask fan would compare the 2… :laughing: