Change one reaction Icon

Any chance we can change one of the Reaction Icons to a TY icon?

Being Canadian its hard to go 3 hours without saying thank you to someone…


I think we could definitely do that.

Is there any specific icon you would like to propose?

:pray: could work as a thank you
:raised_hands: could also work

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Well I’ve learned something else new.

I thought those icons meant something else, and I can see now how each one could work as a special thank you, but for an ordinary thank you I think that’s a bit much.

This one for example is described as “call me,” but I thought it was the shaka sign as from Hawai’i, which can also be used for a “thank you” in some contexts.


I’ve used this one myself as a fist bump for “thank you” or signal for “right on” , when it is described as “face punch” and well, that’s silly on this forum and if you were talking about some bojack with a punchable face, you would not use it.

How confusing see!?

Okay I do have one recommendation for a special sign of commendation, which could be a huge thank you.

How about a touchdown emoticon!?


We are stuck with the Stock Icons I’m guessing? Anything that gets close to Thanks is too sappy…Too Bad…


I think we are stuck with the stock ones, but I will do some digging and see if getting a custom set is even a possibility.

Probably won’t get to it until after the game though :sweat_smile:



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So It looks like we are able to add custom emojis, which I should have known considering we have things like :als_red: :chiefs: and :oilers:.

As a proof of concept, I’ve quickly added the :ty: emoji to our arsenal, however, I think I will look into getting a more professional one that isn’t also the logo for beanie babies :rofl:

I’ll keep browsing some emoji databases and see if I can find anything. In the meantime, if you find a nice “Thank You” emoji that you’d like on the site, link it to me and I can get it uploaded!


yea we can add other ones but no we’re not doing teams. teams are not a reaction and it gets cluttered and unruly fast, esp on mobile.

also emoji and reactions are 2 different things.


Yeah, really, why does it have to be in a heart, but alright yes, something more basic please than something my little nieces would like and use.

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It was the first “thank you” custom emoticon that I came across while looking into it, that’s all.

I can get a simpler “TY!” emoticon uploaded before the game tonight that won’t be in a heart lol


The “Thank You” reaction is LIVE!


PS I also cleaned up/reduced the number of reactions into a condensed list that still offers a wide range of emotions to be conveyed (I think). If you have any suggestions feel free to leave them below!



Ah that’s why the forum pooped the bed in the middle of the game thread!

Be careful out there with the timing please!

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