Chad's return? When and Why?

No physical abuse… I am sorry but I have been the recipient of mental abuse… Bruises heal mental torture … Never does


“Suggest”? Absolutely. I’m not that stupid to argue with that suggestion.


But if “mental torture” can’t heal regardless of all the therapies provided, I assume you are a MAID supporter for a diagnosis of psychogenic “mental illness”. Correct? You can’t have it both ways on this I’m afraid.

I have no clue as to to what you are asking

You must be a MAID supporter of a DSM psychiatric diagnosis that makes the patient feel he/she must have MAID even though such patient has not been diagnosed with any “organic” disease. Remhember psychiatric psychogenic diagnoses are “it’s all in your mind”, you simply don’t have an organic disease or condition. Just “in your mind|”. This isn’t rocket science.

Right on here, though in contrast to the US, I could not find anything for Ontario and for Canada as applies to this case for which such mental abuse amounts to potential for charges of a criminal offence in addition to civil charges.

As I had posted in the prior thread via a link via the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, a pattern of such abusive behaviour in the workplace that does not include physical abuse also can be subject to criminal charges for both the employee AND the employer.

I’ve been in a workplace where something was alleged on a client site. There was nothing physical alleged to be involved, but it was harassing behaviour of other employees via the actions of a workplace couple involving one of my employer’s employees with a manager at the client site.

A rather scared employee brought the matter randomly to my attention, for I had only started working there on the prior day. Guess what? Beyond doing the right thing for the situation, state law in Nevada and many states is such that if you are witting of the abuse, you must report it to a supervisor or risk being complicit in any charges to be made later. And so I did discreetly, and our company’s employee was fired the next day.

My point is that the law on this front seems stricter in the US, but I don’t know much about the law in Ontario and in Canada.

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[quote=“Paolo_X, post:106, topic:92844”]
…ond doing the right thing, state law in Nevada and many states is such that if you are witting of the abuse, you must report it to a supervisor or risk being complicit in any charges to be made later. And so I did discreetly, and our company’s employee was fired the next day.My point is that the law on this front seems stricter in the US, but I don’t know much about the law in Ontario and in Canada.
Wrong reply to wrong person

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Good points but we have to remember if we feel we have been wronged by someone and as such my mental state has been abused, as such this is a mental illness “in your mind” and not organic as in cancer, arthritis, heart disease, etc. The question here in Canada is such “mental illness” ie “all in your mind” after all therapies available to “help you deal with life”, qualify for MAID?
I know off topic, granted, but this is where this thread is migrating to.

Well as I have stated is merely for REPORTS of recurring abusive behaviour, or a report of the appearance of physical abuse, so that it may be investigated.

What is amiss too often, and was amiss certainly in this case before all else handled poorly by MLSE, is the mere reporting.

Allegations have to be reported in the US. Findings are a different matter, but when there is such an allegation, one should report it.

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He should never wear a CFL jersey again imho, they league investigated the allegations and then suspended him, the Argonauts settled with the complainant, the league or the Argonauts dont need the S stain stigma hanging around ! Trade for Tre Ford !!

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If you’re saying in my basic language, MLSE f…ed big time, I totally agree 100 percent. Has to be reported, absolutely from the get go. MLSE tried to hide, yup. And they should be accountable on this but will this happen? I doubt it. Pinball should go IMHO. Love the guy but I say he is the fall guy on this one to at least protect MLSE. Pinner has lost credibility and he isn’t high enough on the MLSE org chart that they should care about him that much. He’s an easy one to let go IMHO, from MLSE’s perspective. He’s a nobody within the MLSE hierarchy.

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Not so. It as alleged that he threatened to hurt her. And that IS a criminal offense.

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Why then didn’t the coach and her legal team take it to the level of a criminal offense? I would assume she had excellent legal representation. I would think.

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if it can be proven in court

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Well yes a threat would be, but to answer your question, there apparently was not enough evidence to bring forth such charges or they would have been brought forth.

But if you knew that as did most since the last thread, I’m not sure why you asked.

Probably because it wouldn’t help their civil case. If he is charged, and, after legal wrangling, it is agreed that there is not enough evidence to go to trial, or he gets an acquittal, that would certainly jeopardize the civil case, or at least mitigate culpability, and reduce compensation. They probably weren’t willing to take that chance. And the flip side of that coin is that the complainant probably didn’t want a public trial and the associated publicity.

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And if you knew all this, why did you ask the question then? It seems like you had this answer too.

Otherwise I think what you are explaining certainly is plausible, but it’s mere speculation.

I’m more inclined to believe the evidence was insufficient so as to pursue criminal charges, and so no allegations were formally made to law enforcement.

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I believe many a civil case has been won after the legal case was lost.

I believe that the associated publicity has long since sailed already

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No doubt, the legal proceedings of OJ Simpson come to mind as two of the most famous such cases for homicide and wrongful death, respectively.

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But didnt’ the coach already win her civil case? If I’m not mistaken?