Let’s hope not. So far the CFL has handled this extremely well and even after fumbling the ball originally the Argos have shown enough organizational integrity to keep Chad out of the spotlight, much less let him play while appealing.
I am hoping that the delay is just the CFL and the Argos, perhaps Pelley, discussing an appropriate punishment, especially the punishment for someone as well liked as Pinball. Hopefully this won’t be swept under another rug with a different “A” symbol on it.
And the pressure needs to be kept up on Lemon and the Als as well. Perhaps even more so considering their continued gaming of the system. I am trying to do my part.
That’s it for me for Ambrosie, with the jury still out on the Lemon matter.
In a short time, Ambrosie via the owners has managed to have two situations go worse simply because it’s readily apparent his office either had the door closed to feedback or he simply punted the matter as if it were going away.
However the Chad Kelly matter did not reach his office’s attention, that’s NOT simply on the Argos and their mishandling if and when doors were not open for such feedback from more than the victim.
How we go to the microchip kicking ball mess in an actual game, and then how the owners dared to punish players for speaking out after the fact when they were not reasonably heard, well that goes back to his office as well.
Ambrosie can go already for me. I’ve seen enough of this punting drill by him as an executive in short time without a microchipped ball.
The Toronto Argonauts remain committed to Chad Kelly as the team’s starting quarterback if and when he’s reinstated by the CFL and returns from suspension.
“Looking at last year’s cut-ups and the way Chad played, there’s not been quarterback play in this league like that in a long time,” head coach Ryan Dinwiddie told 620 CKRM. “We’ve got to make sure he’s ready to play. Is he physically ready to play? Is he mentally ready to play? We’ve got to analyze all that stuff but when Chad comes back, he’s our starter.”
In the team’s defence filing, the Argonauts claimed “no knowledge” of any behaviour by Kelly that violated the league’s gender-based violence policy or breached the Ontario Human Rights Code. The team claimed its conduct with the plaintiff was “all times fair, reasonable, lawful and undertaken in good faith.”
The lawsuit was settled in June to the satisfaction of all parties and none of the allegations against Kelly or the Argonauts were ever tested in court. However, an 87-page report commissioned by the CFL from Saskatchewan-based firm Buckingham Security Services Ltd. corroborated three of six claims made against the quarterback, including “sexual harassment as defined by the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act.”
Pretty sure that for the woman he harassed, it was worse than missing some football. Dude is a total d-bag.
Yup, sounds like he’s really buckled down and taking this seriously…not.
You can fool a lot of people - but psychologists - not so much. They can read you like a book - without you even saying a word, and if you think you can just say the right words, good luck.
Hope it’s taken seriously. I’ve seen a lot of jackasses like this get off.
Even at my FCS college many years ago. I served on a campus judicial board and whenever star football players did something that could’ve jeopardized their playing time, they found ways to get them off.
Lesser players taking the fall.
Assistant coaches lying during testimony.
Delaying and appealing until their senior season ended.
Making deals that no regular student would get.