The US Broadcast Schedule for the remainder of the season seems to have disappeared from the site. PLEASE folks post the US Schedule for the rest of the year!
The US Broadcast Schedule for the remainder of the season seems to have disappeared from the site. PLEASE folks post the US Schedule for the rest of the year!
I found it under "The Game" - it was all there right up until Nov. 6.
For some reason it will not display on my computer. Could someone copy it to the Message Board please.
try this first
[url=] ... y&ceid=404[/url]YOU DA MAN, RO!
Thanks for the help with the schedule. For some strange reason I still can't see the schedule on my work compouter but I can at home.
It was disapointing that the Ottawa BC game was NOT shown on MSG as the schedule said it would be. It is also disapointing that there are some games that will not be available on sattelite in the US later in the season.
I think those games you are talikg abou aren’t avalabie peroid.
Well I wrote the MSG Network yesterday about not showing the B.C. Ottawa game, and they simply replied that there was no game scheduled to be broadcast by them on September 8th 2005.
HHHHMMMMMM!! So.....I copied the info in the "U.S. Broadcast Schedule" section of this site regarding last night, and pasted it into my reply to them. It's right there for them to see. I pay 12 extra dollars a month to see these games so I tend to become a little testy when a network fails to deliver! :evil:
Thanks for writing to the MSG Network. Like you I am paying the $ 12.00 extra to DirecTV each month so I can see the CFL. What would be really good is if DirecTV would add the America One Network which carries all the games. I would encourage everyone who has DirecTV to write to them to ask them to add America One.