CFL Slagged in Today's National Post!

?Obviously Taube’s own personal views about football as lame as they are don’t reflect the specific views about football of anyone but himself (and maybe a few Roger’s Communication Publicists, but he’s a CanWest affiliate employee). I mean his paper, the National Post was bought by Izzy Asper who was a long time Liberal and supporter of Chretien. His son who runs the paper now supported Paul Martin at one time. Taube has an opinion obviously, but he really should stay out of expressing it when it comes to football. I mean he actually grew up as an Ar%# fan. To tie his personal views of football in with Canadian Conservative ideology is ridiculous. He either understands football or he doesn’t. It’s quite clear he hasn’t a clue. Slow day at the office for him I assume.

I acknowledge I probably got carried away with the whole NAU thing…


Why not send your letter to the National Post and demand equal time to rebut all that nonsense?

I agree… the only neo con that we all should talk about on these blogs is a much younger CON-ridge holloway…

leave the politics off these posts… lets stick to the game and the tabbies… shall we…,? :roll:

smokey...and lets stick to spelling too shall we?
It's Con-dredge.

?In case you haven’t read the “former? Harper speechwriter’s last rant in the Sun (March 2009)
before hooking up with the Asper’s National Post. Here it is:
The federal Conservatives have increasingly become a centrist, non-ideological government.
While there have been some incremental steps toward conservatism – including tax credits, GST
reduction, and cracking down on crime – they’ve been few and far between.
They appear to be dissatisfied with Harper’s leadership and policies, and are relatively content
with Michael Ignatieff’s economic positions and support for a greater international role for
Canada. They believe he has the makings of a future prime minister
I think with after Ignatieff’s over 30 years living in the U.S.A. and coming back to Canada with the Liberal promise that he’s the next Trudeau, he’s going to be a little pissed if he doesn’t get to put us in the same billions $$ of debt like Trudeau.
But, maybe he’ll get to do the ceremonial kickoff at a Grey Cup. That would cool!

I did buy the national post ...i will not now...thats my contribution

David Asper is also a strong CFL supporter in addition to owning the offending newspaper so that doesn't support the whole "National Post/neo-con/51st State" conspiracy theory some knee jerk socialists threw up already.

A complete idiot, the less time we give this clown the better after calling him out though.

WELLL… i certainly Neo-CON Cur with that :wink: :wink:

Merry Christmas to all… and to all a good night

before we cant say it anymore :lol:

Or worse,Mr.Mulroney…


Speaking of hacks, any paper that Christie Blatchford has had any affiliation with either past or present gets no reading time from me..... that includes the National Post and Globe and Mail

The only decent paper in Toronto is "The Toronto Star" in my opinion.

The TO star, that is the biggest liberal rag out there at least the post will write stuff that is not flattering to the cons, but try and find a star story that says anything good about the cons. It must just burn you liberals that harper is doing so well and your party is off the map and it will be years before you return or the day after you get rid of bob rae ,that man has caused you more grief them anybody behind the scene. Read a little of rae’s history and see how he has been involved in a few cases of backstabbing and bringing people down. And anyone that uses the CFL to insult the PM is a complete moron because harper is the only one that would give the CFL a second thought and may be able to help out the expansion to the east, because harper cares about unity, where the liberals would not even suggest to helping out the league, all they worry about is keeping the vote base paided off in social programs or adscam and sponser gate or even the useless gun registry, imaging if just 10 mil of that regersty went to the upkeep of the CFL.

Then why did you read it , mikey ?

This in a Toronto Paper? Am I surprised little America AKA Toronto would have something like this?! NO! Dose it overall bother me..NO, Clearly this guy has NO idea of what he is talking about. I could understand it being boring in the aspect of there are not many teams! VS the NFL, there are a tone, which gives WAY more stats and more to watch. But the game itself!? Its to each their own! If you like watching Slow pase smash mouth Football, then watch NFL! If you like Fast pase Ariel attacks CFL is your choice!...OR if your like me and Love football PERIOD! Then NFL CFL NCAA its all good:)

Cheap shot, mikey. Off topic, though it is.

Smearing the woman without giving any reasons.

Why aren`t you a nice guy like me.

I even read your posts on :smiley:

Let's face it, even though we might not buy a print copy of the paper, some of us here like myself go to Google news and type in CFL at least once a week and if we see an interesting article, we're going to click on it regardless of what the publication is.

What do you expect.. its the Post.

If I wrote to the post every time I read something that I vehemently disagreed with... well... I'd run out of pens. :lol:

But if you are dissatisfied with what he says.. make your feelings known in a letter to the editor.. not to his personal email address which he posts.

It’s not The Post.
Its the opinion of one person.