I can believe that they would make a change and not informed the people who already paid for a subscription??? The original price was 39.99 for 1 year (10 issues) now the price has dropped to 21.35 for 1 year (5 issues).

Here is a letter that I wrote asking for an explanation.

"Dear Peter,

I have noticed the price change and the drop in issues per year on the cfl magazine website. However, I had paid the original subscription price of $39.99 for 10 issues. I would like to know why did this change occur, and will I, and the rest of the subscribers who paid the initial $39.99, be getting our subscriptions extended to two years because of the change? Any information will be greatly appreciated.


this just makes me so mad!!!!! :evil:

You should not only get an extra year, you should also get re-imbursed $18.64, in my opinion.

People who sign up first should get a better deal, if anything.

I love I don't have to worry next year about re newing.

I have received an email from the CFL magazine stating that I will receive an extra year on my subscription

Yep me too! Yahoo! 2 years instead of 1! Maybe next year they'll add an issue or two.

So there is only 5 issues of the CFL magazine per year......what a joke!!

I am glad there is a magazine to buy. :wink:

5!?, why wouldnt there just be 6.

You guys are right, I kinda forgot that the CFL is not a league that runs 12 months in a year (Clearly it should :slight_smile: ).

Eskimos I agree with you, there should be 6 issues, going from June to November.

the more the merrier.

If it sells well , there will be more …from… EDMONTON.

JOBS , JOBS and more JOBS! :smiley:

I just got a letter from the CFL magazine.....

apparently, It explain the price change and the fact that my sub-scription has changed to two years (or I can call and receive a $21.73 refund).

However, since only 5 issues are running, they will only have issues for June (league preview), September, October, November and January (post-season wrap-up).

At least its better than no magazine at all.

As I have said , if this sells well…there will be more. :smiley: