Bomber News and Discussion 2024

“WADZILLA” ought to be low budget comedy. Speaking of fat monsters…


Godzilla is putting on weight.

I didn’t “interpret” anything. I said he wasn’t a “passer” which is absolutely true as he was past the los. But what do I know? You a high school football player (from decades ago?) obviously know more than me and the people who’ve played professionally for (some of them) decades.
Don’t bother with your professed “like” of Zack because you met him, nor your Winnipeg friends to make yourself appear less biased. Its not working when you use the whataboutism argument and refuse to acknowledge the potential that people who have played football much longer than you, professionally, may know a little more about the game at a professional level.
I do applaud the confidence in your superior knowledge however. Confidence is almost always appreciated unless, of course, its misplaced.


it isn’t misplaced…I know the game, period. wore the stripes for a while, too…know the rules…know the Xs and Os too. Knowing the game very well is not contingent upon playing it a the professional level. You probably heard of Chris Jones (don’t like him) nevertheless he has had some top jobs in the CFL, without a professional playing career. Marc Mueller, Rider OC, didn’t play at the professional level. The former Rider head coach, Miller, who passed away recently, didn’t play pro football…didn’t even coach…he was a baseball coach. I could keep naming guys, but you get the picture.

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I guess you didn’t understand my post. I never said the Zach hit wasn’t late or wasn’t deserving of penalty. Funny that the stripes, who are familiar with the rules, called the hit on Harris a RTP penalty. He is still the passer, the QB, doesn’t matter where he is on the field. Read the rule. It is not ambiguous. And to repeat: the hit on Zach and the hit on Trevor are mutually exclusive. One does not justify the other. The sooner we get rid of guys taking liberties, the better our game will be. I didn’t support the hit on Zach, yet some herein support the hit on Trevor. So who is showing bias? Both infractions were called. I suppose some would support Bighill’s hit on Patterson on the last play of the game. That would show true bias.

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Not to get into a “tit for tat” homer discussion, but I thought Brown made an attempt to turn and make it a shoulder to chest hit. Unfortunately, it did end up helmet to helmet. It happened fast.
Not justifying the result. That’s just how I saw it.

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That’s how I saw it too.

It looked like Brown was attempting to turn his shoulders and it went off the rails from there. The thing is… the ball was gone and Brown could’ve let his foot off the gas on that hit IMHO.

I always give the benefit of the doubt to any athlete who at least tries to do the right thing but fails miserably instead.


It is the DUTY of the defensive player to refrain from such a high hit let alone with the helmet.

When rules were changed years ago to address more such injurious hits to the head at last, players were coached on this front.

It does not matter, for the sake of a call of a penalty, if it is an accident. The burden lies on the hitter and not the target to avoid such a high hit.

A more serious hit borne of clear foul play of course is penalized more seriously, including with disqualification and fines.

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Brain farts happen. This might’ve been an accident.

To me it’s all about intent. Did Brown intentionally try to pop Zach’s noggin? If he did then a fine wouldn’t cut it for me. I’d want to toss him out of the league for good.

But then there’s the result… yet another concussive injury to our concussion-prone star quarterback that was virtually consequence free. My teeth start to gnash uncontrollably just thinking about it.

We didn’t see any chest thumping or celebrations from any Rider players after that play so I’m pretty sure that we’re not seeing the return of Dan Marino Mark II here.

We’ll see how the league handles this and what kind of message (if any) Brown sends us in the days leading up to the Banjo Bowl. I’m going to think positive here and let our team’s play do the talking on the field this Saturday.


Uh, as usual @Maaax that all sounds correct, and I’m going to say yes for now though as we know, during this week of rivalry is not the time to quibble about which points made and questions beyond Philadelphia, but as many here know,
I am also gainfully in the service of Pirate Sports Network and most aboard, including Captain Timbers, are fans of the Blue Bombers.

The crew were of course saddened by Collaros’ injury after that dirty hit and ready to go to war about it with the Saskatchewan Brown Water Navy in fact, but then I was able to help them calm down by pointing out that Streveler was in the game with the Mowing Crew, for of course they knew about a different successful mission to kidnap him and return him to…ah, well, never mind most of you know that tale already.

Let me tell you there were several celebratory brawls with that win such that they almost forgot. I have not seen Captain Timbers so happy since after the West Final last November.

I have to live with this crew on the high seas anyway as you know, so it pays to form healthy pirate and seafaring partnerships so that we can have more success when asail to receive yar signal and to share it with the entire world to be able to watch the CFL.



Sorry, I didn’t know how special you are. Thanks for explaining it to me.
As you pointed out, “you know the rules” and so do the on field officials and that’s why they called the hit on Harris roughing the passer. And we all realize that the folks who know the rules, y’know, the on field officials and yourself never get the calls wrong. The other folk like Dunigan, Stegal, Sanchez, et. al. are just people with opinions. Certainly not people like you who “know the rules” and, therfore, yours is not an opinion.

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Parties were warned about this being a Bomber thread but continue to make negative posts in the thread in violation of the safe haven rule. Those posts and replies have been deleted. See rule 3 of the Code of Conduct. The Bomber sub forum is not the place to make continuous posts trying to justify the in game hit being discussed or to state that you have problems with this thread. This is the way it is in all team threads. There are plenty of general threads or your own sub forum where you can post these types of comments, but not here.

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Sorry about that Jon. That explains stuff being capitalized and in bold. I was ignorant of the rules of engagement. Didn’t realize team threads weren’t open season for comments. My apologies to the Bomber Discussion gang.


No problem. To be clear, I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that the Bomber forum is the most welcoming of all of the sub forums, but there is a limit. One post in disagreement will usually be overlooked and is permissible as long as it doesn’t violate other rules. Repetitive negative posts are not. We can say that the cheap shot last game was the worst hit in CFL history (it wasn’t) on the Bomber forum and non Bomber fans can read it and laugh but can’t engage on an ongoing basis with a different opinion in the Bomber forum. Ergo the safe haven. There are lots of great posts in all of the sub forums, but lots of ones that are downright silly (ie. defending Lemon). If you are not a fan of that team then do like I do and just laugh at them and move on and provide your opinion in another thread if you care to.

As you may be aware, the Als and Ticat sub forums are the most active on the forum and they make use of this rule constantly. You I believe are a Cats and Riders fan and have posted in the Cats sub forum. They are pretty good there for letting outsiders make posts without trying to run them out of town, but try starting to make critical posts as a non Cats fan and you will be flagged and/or run out of town by reply posts very quickly. In fact there were 4-5 flags here over the last couple of days in response to a couple of posters. Generally being hands off I ignored the first several , but as it was becoming a pattern it was shut down. Don’t take it to mean that your positive presence in the Bomber forum is unwelcome.


Understood, Jon. Many thanks. I honestly didn’t know about the safe haven rule. Again, my apologies to the Bombers gang.


As suspected it looks like Zach will be good to go this weekend.


Solid set of pictures taken during the LDC in Regina.


That is great news!


Well thank gosh for that. Now we just have to hope that our offensive line can keep Zach unstuffed and maybe we’ll get to watch him carve up that mouth watering Rider defense like the master chef that he is. Go git him Zach!

Hmm! Hmm! Hmmmm! Banjo Bowl Vittles is served!!!


Still no Btyant or Cole, but good to see Neufeld back.


Excellent on Neufeld for sure.

Bryant just hit the 6 game a week ago so I wouldn’t expect him back for a while, even if he isn’t out the full 6 games.