Bighill done?

Guess we’ll find out if another team would take him on.
I really hope he will get into coaching
‘It’s a bummer’: Bombers discard future hall-of-famer Adam Bighill


No surprise here. That should silence many on this forum that believe the Bombers don’t know when to move on from aging players.

He says he still wants to play. I guess we’ll see soon enough whether another team disagrees with everyone on this forum and signs him. Not sure if he wants to coach or will retire if no one picks him up.

Love the guy but agree with the Bombers decision not to re-sign him.


I would like to thank Biggie for all he has done as a Bomber and as a CFLer.
One of the best to do it, proud professional, and a fan fav.


More the question is would he move? I kinda doubt it. Because they would have to pay enough to make it worthwhile and now he has injury history.

No doubt in my mind though if he wanted to coach he may not find a job this season but he will doubtless find a spot soon.


I can tell you that he coaches his kid flag in WPG, would guess that they are happy here. Always hard to make a family move.


Coaching may not be a family move. There are coaches who live in city A during the season, and the family lives in city B.

Not to say he may not live in city W and coach in city W either…


I’m sure all of us out here in BC would welcome him back for whatever reason he’d like to return. The HOF awaits him also.


Yes, as a coach or player, they often leave their families to play the game.
I was just saying I’m pretty sure he is happy where he is.
I would love for him to be a mentor to the club in any capacity they can find.


I don’t know, I think the riders might take a 1 year approach. Just like Geroy Simon, you could get a useful season out of him rolling in and out . And kind of part time roll, as long as his injury doesn’t hamper his ability.

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Gotta respect the man for the way he speaks about the Bombers, even after letting him know he’s being let go.
If only more athletes had even an ounce of professionalism that Adam Bighill did. This is something that just cannot be measured, and will be missed.


Fans out here have always respected him. If he ever walks onto the field at BC Place again I’m sure you’ll hear a lot of cheers.


If he still works for that investment firm he don’t need to worry about future jobs or income


I think this is important and his future career. As far as I am aware this is a legit job with a solid future and one of the main reasons he moved to Winnipeg with his family. I too think he would make a great coach, but I don’t think that is his plan.

Adam’s desire to play still burns and he doesn’t want to give it up. As I said, most think he should retire. Not him. We’ll see if any other team agrees that this sure first ballot HOF’er still has something left in the tank. If he plays somewhere else then surely it will only be for one year and he will have no need to move his family to a new city for a few months when his off season job remains in Winnipeg.

Certainly no one on this forum has ever advocated for him to continue to play, even Bomber fans. We’ll find out soon enough if we have the right of it or are all football dufus’s.


It helped he had a very long and successful career.
Yes the Bombers treated him well. They helped him get a great job when he came the the Peg. That job alone over the past few years most likely showed Adam there isa life outside of football. That goes a long way to ease the pain of finding out pro football is all but over for an elite athlete’s ego.


Why would the Riders take him for 1 year? They have Thurman. Post GC 2023 Mike O’Shea in an interview stated he never retired from the CFL. At 38, nobody wanted him anymore. Odd thing to bring up. In defence of his older players??? Adam will be a HOF on his 1st year of eligibility. But he’s old, injuries are catching up to him, call it a day. A bit sad to go out this way.

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I don’t look at it as sad. It’s unfortunate that it appears that Bighill doesn’t see the writing on the wall, but he is far from the first athlete ever to be of that position. He has taken it well and with class and we both agree that he is a first ballot HOF’er.

The Bombers are being smart in moving on as most everyone including yourself has urged them to do. They did the same with Andrew Harris and nailed that as well as clearly he was also done after a HOF career. Smart management. Unfortunately, just like dumping a lover, there is no easy way to do it.


So , Jon, it’s not SAD that the team has to cut him, rather than he annouce his retirement?? It’s UNFORTUNATE.

Ok, I stand corrected, Jon. Thank you for taking the time to clean that up. :yum::yum: Yes, it’s unfortunate - not sad for Adam. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I was just curious as to how you would spin this negatively. I have my answer. For a moment I thought you might praise the Bombers for doing what you urged them to do, but I knew you wouldn’t.


How was it negative, Jon? YOU spin most anything I say about the Bombers as negative. For the record, I don’t spend my days plotting evil ways to get to you or Bomber fans. Of the last 14 posts I have commented on general CFL topics, Elks, Stamps & Bombers 3 times each, FA twice & BC once. I have an interest in what’s going on with all teams. It’s only some Bomber fans that take up space with extended back & forths which is exhausting. For both parties I’m sure. So here we are again.

Do you have to make a point of finding something negative about my comments?? “Everyone including yourself” - as I’m always the outlier but, congratulations, you’re on board too. That’s pretty condescending though I’m not sure you see it that way.


Could he not be a rotation player, in the right defence

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