Between The Goalposts; 2024 CFL Special Teams Awards

Special teams isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, so if it’s not for you, no hard feelings if you scroll on.

For those who do care about the third phase of football, you probably know how much I love special teams. I started writing about it back in 2021, and that passion turned into Between The Goalposts. Since then, I’ve been putting together blog posts, Special Teams Power Rankings, and end-of-season awards for kickers, punters, returners, coverage units, and even long snappers.

Unfortunately, earlier this year, I had to shut down because hosting a website wasn’t in the budget anymore. But rather than give up on the project, I decided to pivot to YouTube. In September, I put out my first video (and trust me, it was rough), but since then, I’ve released 12 more, and the support has been incredible.

Now, I’m here to share something I’ve been working on since late November—my 2024 CFL Special Teams Awards! This video is a 30-minute deep dive into all the best moments and performances from this past season. It’s packed with highlights, stats you won’t find anywhere else, and analysis on positions most people don’t even think about.

I’ll be honest, this video probably won’t get as many views as my shorter ones just because of the length. But I didn’t make it for views. I wanted to prove to myself that I could create something long-form, detailed, and high-quality, and I’m really proud of how it turned out.

So, if you’ve got the time and want to nerd out about special teams with me, here’s the video:

The 2024 Between The Goalposts CFL Special Teams Awards


All credit to you and where you go from here. I was just having a conversation with somebody about a past business experience I had with also my own website as otherwise I sold product through eBay.

I share this for any benefit to anybody else in such a position with a business. I figure there are others here with far more experience too.

Anyway, my business was a entirely different business as a product business though social media channels are part of marketing for most any business, but as you use the leverage of YouTube to increase your exposure at lower cost, in turn I do hope you get your website again for many reasons, including the opportunities that can be at hand with having exclusive and proprietary content once you have grown your brand all the more.

Just make sure whichever company that is hosting the site is not also an affiliate of Google or Meta and so forth, or you will defeat part of the mission of having also such an independent channel for your content.



Thanks @BetweenTheGoalposts. I’m going to subscribe assuming that’s going to help you if only in a small way.


Thank you! I appreciate the support :grin:


Awesome video. The league should hire you in some capacity IMHO.


That would be so cool—thank you for saying that! :grin:

Funny enough, I was actually blocked by the official CFL Twitter account for about a year and a half. Just got that resolved last week :grin:




Why on earth would they have blocked you??

Excellent work as always BTG!


Honestly, I have no idea! My best guess is that the social media admin blocked me because I was posting my special teams articles under CFL tweets. Totally fair if they have a strict no-self-promotion rule, but it was unknown to me and felt a bit harsh at the time.

Eventually, after plenty of begging from myself and others, they decided to unblock me. Now I can interact with their posts again, which is great. 2025 is off to an interesting start! :joy:


2 things:

  1. kinda sad this guy has to break a record to get any kind of serious look down south.
  2. why did the league not make a bigger deal of this guy not only setting a CFL record but a pro football record? Once again a missed opportunity by the CFL

What else was wrong with them? Did they think your content was so good that you were too intimidating? As if that bojack thinking works!

It must have been an ordeal to get resolved.