Are Riders for real?

I am not sure what OP means? Old person? True! Opposition, not true! I am a die-hard Rider fan…goes way back to before there was a CFL. They played in the WIFU…and that has nothing to do with foul language…it is the acronym for Western Interprovincial Football Union. Can’t remember when West and East amalgamated into CFL, but I am guessing somewhere around 1961. Those were Riders’ lean years, as it took a long time for them to recover from that terrible plane crash that took away their stars. Their “recovery” didn’t start until Ronnie came over from Ottawa…and they started to jell a couple years later, winning their first GC in 1966. As a youngster, there were a lot of tears shed when they got stomped regularly. I doubt too many would remember QB Ptacek…or Gino Wlasiuk returning punts when blocking wasn’t allowed, and he would get buried by about 6 guys. I even remember when Frank Tripuka came back for a cameo appearance, after his retirement. That is how decimated this team was.

I even married a girl who was related to one of those poor Riders who perished in the plane crash.

Original poster.

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My apologies…CFL started 1958…time flies!

HmH. TNX! You just gave me a huge belly laugh. When I read “original poster” it made me think…hmmm…Riders 1911… I am not quite that old. LOL!!!

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Just for the record, the Riders started out as a rowing club, then turned to football in 1910…well, sort of…they only played 4 games that year, and lost all 4. But they finished first for the next 22 years…and won the west 15 times. The west wasn’t allowed to compete for the GC until 1921…and the Riders then lost 7 straight GC appearances. And there were no GC during the war years. So it makes my blood boil when some says, or writes, about their GC wins over 114 years, when, in fact, they weren’t allowed to compete for a GC for many of those years.

I just saw, in my week 3 fieldpass, ratings for QBs after week 2. And, I am still chortling uncontrollably. Cameron Dukes was awarded the top spot, but the clincher was the following assessment of Trevor Harris, who was placed 6th, notwithstanding his leading 5 TD passes, and leading passing yardage at 695 after 2 games. Can you believe this narrative? “His five touchdown passes lead the CFL currently and the only element missing from a leap or two higher in these rankings is the lulls in offensive rhythm that have lingered at inopportune moments.” Really? Lulls at innoportune moments? It doesn’t get much more opportune than the 4th qtr. when he was lights out sensational! after a sack, 92 yards in a minute in a half to tie Ham. with 39 seconds left? It doesn’t get any more opportune than that! 37 points in 2 fourth quarters. Opportune!!!

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Yep. Trevor is looking great. Hope we have seen the last of Chad in the CFL.


Chad who? LOL

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Riders did great to win the first two.
However, it is early season and compared to Montreal…well let’s say the Riders look average at best at this point.
I do hope for better stronger faster things for the green. But that don’t happen with magic or osmosis. They either got it and just need time to gel to get to the potential… or they dont got it all and will soon languish

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Yes I think the Riders are for real (but so is Santa Claus for that matter). Maybe I’m not the best one to answer this question… but I’ve noticed that there’s something very different about Trevor Harris, your oft-injured quarterback. I think he’s smiling more. Why? I think it’s because he’s not getting trampled underfoot by hulking rush ends who in previous years would have left their cleat marks all over his bruised torso.

This season Harris has a great big line to hide behind, a talented group of young receivers AND the only running back in the CFL who’s worthy enough to lift Thor’s Hammer.

Would it be alright if we Bombers came over to borrow a fresh cup of talent? Due to injuries we’re running kind of low right now.

[quote="Maaax, post:31,
we had to find our own talent and it is too short of a supply right now…we will however give you future options for your running back…ours sadly has about an average of 6 inches per rush so far.


Hey…I think it is 8 inches. Anyway, Ds have game-planned to stop the rush…not just our rush, but throughout the league. And, why would the BB ask for more of our talent. We already gave them Collaros, Demski, and Dressler.
However, before last night, they may have wanted to give back Collaros.
And…why did the Riders let McInnis go? I know that, as a rookie, he dropped a few balls…but still, huge target, great routes…anybody have answers???

Ajou Ajou, Emilus, Schaffer Baker, Picton. All Canadian.

You are right. But we didn’t have ajou ajou when letting mcinis go. And while Picton is a versatile guy, I would take McInis over Picton any day. He is even a bigger target than Shake n Bake. So with Canadian Airforce 2.0 revisited since the orignal in 2008, it should afford some import leeway to bolster the suddenly decimated O-line. Import linemen are way easier to find than homebrews.
O’Day should be, and probably is, scouring the rosters of NFL guys that may get cut…but that won’t happen for several weeks. Does anyone know if our neg list contains linemen, even though that list doesn’t usually include many linemen? An immobile QB really needs protection, which BTW, Thor provided. I was amazed at how much time VA was allowed in the pocket last night. And, when he wasn’t munching on a pizza while waiting for his receivers to get open, he bailed out successfully. Either BC protection was amazing, or the vaunted WPG. pressure has fizzled…age slows athletes, and BB have a number of players with yellowing and tattered birth certificates. Few believed me when I said, pre-season, that Wpg. would be struggling to make the playoffs. And older guys get hurt more often. ie.Blake.

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3 and 0.

I’d say ‘they are for real’.

Their three wins have come against two teams that have a combined 0-6 record on the season . Just saying is all .


So taking the Riders out of your equation…
There only two and a half really good teams out there right now?
But yea I get what you are saying despite these 2 and half good teams also playing the crappy teams.:face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I think it best to see where the teams are after 5 and 6 games in. But yea if give good talking points after 3 games and a slight indication of the good and bad stuff that needs addressing.

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True enough, but the Riders contributed to make those teams 0-6, to the tune of 0-3. And those 0-6 teams are not as bad as their record, losing close games. Question is: if a struggling BB team strings together a few wins, which teams miss the playoffs?

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